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On the Seashore | R. Cadwallader Smith
1 rating
- R. Cadwallader Smith

This gifted nature writer who is so good at describing animals and their habitat and habits here gives us a look at many of the fascinating...

Songs Ysame | Annie F. Johnston and Albion Fellows Bacon
No ratings yet
- Annie F. Johnston and Albion Fellows Bacon

This is a volume of poetry written by the sisters Albion Fellows Bacon and Annie Fellows Johnston. Both of the sisters reached quite a level of...

The Shadow of the North | Joseph A. Altsheler
3 ratings
- Joseph A. Altsheler

The Shadow of the North," while an independent story, in itself, is also the second volume of the Great French and Indian War series which began...

Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl | John Greenleaf Whittier
165 ratings
- John Greenleaf Whittier

A 750-line idyllic poem about a snow-storm from the narrator’s childhood.

Shakespeare's Sonnets | William Shakespeare
105,437 ratings
- William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Sonnets, or simply The Sonnets, comprise a collection of 154 poems in sonnet form written by William Shakespeare that deal with such...

The Story of the Pony Express | Glenn D. Bradley
100 ratings
- Glenn D. Bradley

The Story of the Pony Express offers an in depth account behind the need for a mail route to connect the eastern U.S. with the rapidly populating...

The Story of a Bad Boy | Thomas Bailey Aldrich
305 ratings
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Thomas Bailey Aldrich was a child when his father moved to New Orleans from Portsmouth, New Hampshire. After 10 years, Aldrich was sent back to...

The Slant Book | Peter Newell
263 ratings
- Peter Newell

The Slant Book is literally the shape of a parallelogram, with the spine of the book running down one side. When opened, facing pages form a “V”...

The Story of a Common Soldier | Leander Stillwell
47 ratings
- Leander Stillwell

Leander Stillwell was an 18-year-old Illinois farm boy, living with his family in a log cabin, when the U.S. Civil War broke out. Stillwell felt a...

Sophistical Elenchi | Aristotle
153 ratings
- Aristotle

De Sophisticis Elenchis is the sixth of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the Organon ("Instrument"). In De...

The Sheridan Road Mystery | Paul and Mabel Thorne
43 ratings
- Paul and Mabel Thorne

A shot rings out in the middle of the night in a quiet Chicago neighborhood. Patrolman Murphy is directed to an apartment where a man says the...

Strange Pages from Family Papers | T.F. Thoselton Dyer
13 ratings
- T.F. Thoselton Dyer

“Among other qualities which have been supposed to belong to a dead man’s hand, are its medicinal virtues, in connection with which may be...

Stepping Heavenward | Elizabeth Prentiss
8,223 ratings
- Elizabeth Prentiss

Stepping Heavenward is the journal of a girl named Katherine Mortimer. Katy meets a young man who she loves & wants to marry but her mother is...

Strangers at Lisconnel | Jane Barlow
1 rating
- Jane Barlow

Strangers at Lisconnel is a sequel to Jane Barlow’s Irish Idylls. The locations and most of the characters are common to both. There is great...

Sintram and His Companions | Friedrich de La Motte-Fouqué
40 ratings
- Friedrich de La Motte-Fouqué

Friedrich de la Motte Fouque, also the author of Undine, was a German Romantic writer whose stories were filled with knights, damsels in distress...

The Sign of the Four | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
158,765 ratings
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Sign of the Four is the second novel featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The story is set in 1887. The Sign...

Stolen Souls | William Le Queux
3 ratings
- William Le Queux

This is a collection of 14 of William le Queux' best mystery stories.

The Spy | James Fenimore Cooper
1,324 rating
- James Fenimore Cooper

James Fenimore Cooper’s second novel, The Spy is based on Sir Walter Scott’s Waverly series, and tells an adventure tale about the American...

A Short and Easy Method Of Prayer | Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon
1,006 rating
- Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon

Madame Guyon’s A Short and Easy Method of Prayer is considered a classic of Christian mysticism, influencing great writers and speakers such as...

Stage-Land | Jerome K. Jerome
3,043 ratings
- Jerome K. Jerome

A comic look at the curious habits and customs of the inhabitants of ‘Stage Land’. Dedicated to ‘that highly respectable but unnecessarily...

Swiss Family Robinson | Mary Godolphin
97 ratings
- Mary Godolphin

All the excitement, danger, heartbreaks and triumphs of this well known story, but without the big words. Lucy Aikin, an accomplished writer and...

Sisters | Ada Cambridge
28 ratings
- Ada Cambridge

Ada Cambridge, later known as Ada Cross, was an English born Australian writer. While she gained recognition as Australia’s first woman poet of...

Sir Gibbie | George MacDonald
1,812 rating
- George MacDonald

These are the adventures of Sir Gibbie through the Scotland moors. Not being able to read or speak, Gibbie survives on the streets without a...

Starlight Ranch | Charles King
7 ratings
- Charles King
Songs of Kabir | Kabir
906 ratings
- Kabir

Kabir was a mystic poet and saint of India, whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement.

The basic religious principles he...

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