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  • South! Shackleton's Last Expedition | Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton
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  • Queen Sheba's Ring | Henry Rider Haggard
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  • An Antarctic Mystery | Jules Verne
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  • Where Angels Fear to Tread | E. M. Forster
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  • The Perils of Pauline | Charles Goddard
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  • The Great Stone Face and Other Stories From White Mountain | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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  • Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada | Clarence King
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  • Farthest North - Volume 1 | Fridtjof Nansen
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  • Love Insurance | Earl Derr Biggers
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  • The Purple Land | W. H. Hudson
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  • Growth of the Soil | Knut Hamsun
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  • Adrift on an Ice-Pan | Sir Wilfred Grenfell
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  • Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume 1 | Thomas Stevens
    51 ratings
  • Cape Cod Stories | Joseph Crosby Lincoln
    62 ratings
  • Canyons of the Colorado | John Wesley Powell
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