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7th Son: Book One - Descent | J.C. Hutchins
1,953 rating
- J.C. Hutchins

Three weeks ago, the U.S. president was murdered by a four-year-old boy.

Today, seven men stare at each other in a locked conference room....

7th Son: Book Two - Deceit | J.C. Hutchins
1,089 rating
- J.C. Hutchins

Two days ago, seven human clones -- John, Michael, Father Thomas, Dr. Mike, Jonathan, Jack and Kilroy2.0 -- were torn away from their "normal"...

7th Son: Book Three - Destruction | J.C. Hutchins
1,015 rating
- J.C. Hutchins

As day four in the 7th Son adventure begins, John Alpha's quest for anarchy and genocide enters its final stage.

At every turn, the global...

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen R. Covey
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- Stephen R. Covey

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