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  • A Guide to Health | Mahatma Gandhi
    134 ratings
  • How to Camp Out | John Mead Gould
    162 ratings
  • Food Guide for War Service at Home | Katharine Blunt and others
    18 ratings
  • A Treatise on Foreign Teas | Hugh Smith
    1 rating
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  • School and Home Cooking | Greer
    11 ratings
  • Canned Fruit, Preserves, and Jellies | Maria Parloa
    40 ratings
  • Twenty-Five Cent Dinners for Families of Six | Juliet Corson
    211 ratings
  • Oysters and Fish | Thomas J. Murrey
    1 rating
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  • The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy | Hannah Glasse
    108 ratings
  • Bohemian San Francisco | Clarence E. Edwords
    49 ratings
  • A Book of Fruits and Flowers |
    8 ratings
  • The Jewish Manual | Lady Judith Cohen Montefiore
    2 ratings
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  • Useful Recipes, and Hints | Elizabeth E. Lea
    27 ratings
  • Chocolate - An Indian Drinke | Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma
    19 ratings
  • Vegetarianism and Occultism | C.W. Leadbeater
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