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School and Home Cooking


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School and Home Cooking | Greer

School and Home Cooking

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, and salt. Heat until the boiling point is reached. Cool and then add the vanilla. If it is desired to serve the sirup hot, its flavor is improved by the addition of 1 teaspoonful of butter.


In preparing French Toast, what care must be taken in dipping the stale bread in the milk and egg mixture?

Since it is desirable to serve the slices of toast whole, which are the better for French Toast,—large or small pieces of bread?

What is the advantage of placing a bit of fat on each slice of bread just before turning it?

Why is it advisable to add butter to the sirup only when the latter is to be served hot?

What is the purpose of adding sugar to corn sirup? (See Corn



EXPERIMENT 22: STARCH GRAINS AND BOILING WATER.—Pour 2 tablespoonfuls of boiling water over 1 teaspoonful of flour. Stir and heat over the flame. Is the mixture smooth? Examine the center of a "Jump." How does it compare with uncooked starch? Are all the starch grains swelled and semisoluble?

EXPERIMENT 23: SEPARATION OF STARCH GRAINS WITH COLD WATER.—Mix 1 teaspoonful of flour with 1 teaspoonful of water. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of boiling water, stir, and heat. Is the mixture smooth? Explain clearly the use of cold water in this mixture.

EXPERIMENT 24: SEPARATION OF STARCH GRAINS WITH SUGAR.—Mix 1 teaspoonful of flour with 1 teaspoonful of sugar. Add 2 table-spoonfuls of boiling water, stir, and heat. Is the mixture smooth? Carefully explain the use of sugar in the mixture.

EXPERIMENT 25: SEPARATION OF STARCH GRAINS WITH FAT.—Mix 1 teaspoonful of flour with 1 teaspoonful of fat. Add 2 tablespoonful

Rebecca 12/16/2022
This book is so much fun to read. It is really an old food science cookbook. It contains food science experiments and recipes as well as historical perspectives and techniques on cooking. To read it as a historical book is incredibly entertaining. Much of the information is outdated, and even the re

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