Take your Barbaries, pick them clean in faire branches, and wash them clean, and dry them on a cloath, then take some other Barbaries, and boyle them in Clarret wine till they be very soft, then straine them, and rub them so well through the strainer, that you may know the substance of them, and boyle up this matter thus strained out, till it be very sweet, and somwhat thick, then setting it by till it be cold, and then put in your branches of Barbaries into gally pots, or glasses, and fill it up with the cold Syrupe, and so shall you have both Syrupe, and also Barbaries, to use at your pleasure.
Steepe one pound of Almonds so long in cold water, till they will blanch, then put them in Rose-water, and beat them in so much Rose-water as will keep them from growing to an Oyle, and no more; take one pound of Sugar beaten very fine, and sifted through a Searce, take the whites of six Eggs beat to a froth, as you use to doe for other Bisket, with a spoonfull of fine flower, set the Almonds and Sugar on a soft Charcoal fire, let them boyle together till they be very thick, and so let them stand till they be almost cold, then beat the Eggs and that together, put in a little Muske for the better tast, if you please, then lay them upon papers, in what proportion you will, and dry them in an Oven, with a slack fire.
Take a rib of Mutton or Veale, or rather a Chicken, boyle it in faire water, put the
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