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  • The Inner Chamber and the Inner Life | Andrew Murray
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  • Paradise Regained | John Milton
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  • The Story of the Other Wise Man | Henry Van Dyke
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  • The Spanish Brothers | Deborah Alcock
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  • The Book of Enoch |
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  • Myths and Legends of All Nations | Logan Marshall
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  • Over the Plum Pudding | John Kendrick Bangs
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  • Ruth Erskine's Crosses | Pansy
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  • Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, John | Richard Francis Weymouth
    18 ratings
  • The Wars of the Jews | Flavius Josephus
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  • The Bible in its Making: The Most Wonderful Book in the World | Mildred Duff and Noel Hope
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  • Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England | the Venerable Bede
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  • Our Wonderful World | Pratham Books
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  • The Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri
    158,415 ratings
  • Jesus of Nazareth, A Biography | John Mark
    9 ratings

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