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The Autobiography of Methuselah

John Kendrick Bangs

Book Overview: 

A satirical look at early biblical events from the point of view of someone who was there to witness most of them: the oldest man in recorded history.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Enochsville a public library, and had filled its shelves with several tons of the best reading that the Egyptian writers of the day provided, was regarded as a partial atonement for some of his indiscretions, and the endowment of a large stone-quarry at Ararat where children were taught to read and write, helped materially in his rehabilitation, but on the whole Uncle Zib was looked upon[33] askance by the majority. On the other hand Uncle Azag, a strong, pious man, who owed money to everybody in town, was the one after whom my mother wished me to be named, a proposition which my father resisted to the uttermost expense of his powers.

"What's the use?" I heard him ask, warmly. "He'll get his name on plenty of I. O. U.'s on his own account before he leaves this glad little earth, without our giving him an autograph that is already on enough over-due paper to decorate every flat in Uncle Zib's model tenements."

The disputation continued with some acrimon. . . Read More

Community Reviews

i can't say i know why they say it, but they do say that you cannot know where you're going if you don't know where you've come from.

so unless you're a lazy, don't-care-to-know-where-you're-going mofo, you should take the time to read these carefully chiseled out words by Methusalah, your ancestor.


An amusing take on the life of Methuselah - humorous of course, with no relation to reality. The troubles caused him by his family make him almost despair - and he well knows he is the oldest man who ever lived, even back then. After all, children play with dinosaurs. Although he has a reason for th

John Kendrick banks has a way of writing satires with Dry humor. Very clever Sometimes hilarious. The little jokes just keep coming.

Light comedy was written a few centuries back. Is all about the tale of Methuselah, ancestor of Adam and Eve and describes the early life of humans. Good humour and respect for religion and customs. Nevertheless what I realized after reading this book is that from the 3 kids of Adam and Even, 2 bloo

Seems typical of the light humor of the period, but dated and more often than not doesn't quite hit the mark. The author was a prolific writer of similar works, as well as plays; and several of his stories were later adapted as teleplays. If you enjoy the lesser works of Bangs' friend Mark Twain, yo

A fictional account of Methuselah and his dealings with great great grandpa Adam, Branson Noah, and other antediluvian figures. Quite funny at times; other times, a bit of a groaner. Very much a book of its day, as it speaks of turn of the century issues such as women’s suffrage, “new thought” (Chri

A slightly humorous diversion. An audio book to which I listened. I was happy when it was over.

kind of funny. not as good as houseboat on the river styx, but good. the book sort of looses steam after the first half. the last chapter is completely worthless. but i really enjoyed the chapters about adam and eve.

An enjoyable read, light satire.

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