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Ester Ried Yet Speaking
Book Overview:
Authored by Isabella M. Alden under the pen name “Pansy.” Fourth in the Chautauqua Girls series. Alfred Ried (brother of Ester Ried from that series) wants to help the hundreds of poor street boys in his city to come to faith and improve their conditions, but is discouraged and overwhelmed with the task. Enter Flossy (Shipley) Roberts, a willing worker who focuses on 7 such boys and especially on one.
Authored by Isabella M. Alden under the pen name “Pansy.” Fourth in the Chautauqua Girls series. Alfred Ried (brother of Ester Ried from that series) wants to help the hundreds of poor street boys in his city to come to faith and improve their conditions, but is discouraged and overwhelmed with the task. Enter Flossy (Shipley) Roberts, a willing worker who focuses on 7 such boys and especially on one.
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A very curious sensation came over Nimble Dick. He looked up the alley, and down the alley, and was glad that not one of the "fellows" was in sight. What was to become of his lark? But there was that hand still resting on his arm, with a persuasive touch in it; and he had never been appealed to for protection before,—never in his life! Was it possible that with him she would not be afraid? He turned and looked at her, searchingly, a scowl on his face,—no, she was not "shamming;" her eyes were full of anxious fear, and also of petition. Nimble Dick was amazed at himself and ashamed of himself; he did not know how to account for his sudden change of intention. But he suddenly turned in an opposite direction from the one which he. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Fairly standard Victorian improving literature, although more fleshed out than many, with more life to it. A good quote that is very applicable to today's world with constant and overwhelming negative news: 'Perhaps just now there is nothing that I can do for the hundreds, so I want to narrow my tho
I have now finished all of the Ester Reid series!!! All six books have been very enjoyable, convicting conservative writing. No one writes like Pansy (Isabelle Alden) or Martha Finley anymore. Truth is filled within each page and each word fittingly spoken. “A Word fitly is spoken is like apples of
I love this book! I love Flossie Shipley Roberts! And I particularly love the literary club idea...more
Flossie Roberts is a wealthy, fashionable little woman who takes everything to God in prayer, seeks earnestly for what small thing He would have her do that day to bring others closer to Jesus, and cares not for class distinctions or what others think about her. She would love to gather all of the r
Not quite as good as book 1, but still worth the read! The ending had me so frustrated when the author kept giving a glimpse into different parts of the story she didn't cover, but I now understand, since starting book 3 that you can hear more of the story by reading the other books. They do not go
2024 Reread
Loved it just as much as the other times I've read and reread this book!
I don't know how many times I've read, re-read, and skimmed this book. I still love it each time I open the cover and start turning the pages. Flossy Roberts is so sweet and is willing to work wherever the Lord leads
Do what is in front of you, be faithful in the small things, lay everything out before the Lord, and watch how He works in the lives of those thought unredeemable. Another winner. Black Dirk and Nimble Dick are two of the 8 boys that Ester Ried's younger brother are anxious to influence for Christ.