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The Spiritual Life

Andrew Murray

108 ratings
The Spiritual Life | Andrew Murray

The Spiritual Life

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In this book, Andrew Murray explores the dynamics of the Christian life as Jesus means it to be lived. He explains how the Holy Spirit is essential to living effectively as a believer. Christians are often all too well aware of the feebleness of their life and testimony. This most encouraging book, consisting of a series of lectures given to students at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, shows how the working of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life makes all the difference. It shows how God’s power is made perfect in weakness, and how His Holy Spirit may animate and renew every area of the believer’s life
Stephanie Brown 09/01/2024
Deep Word

What an awesome read on cultivating a deep inward spiritual life in God. I really pray that I, with the help of the Holy Spirit, be able to put these precious instructions and insights into practice in my own life. My biggest take from this book is that anything spiritual that I attempt to
Kenneth 05/23/2024
Spot On

Everything from start to finish ministered and bore witness to my spirit, this man knew Our God and I too want to have this life in Christ. To understand and walk these truths out!
Jason 06/01/2023
"The Spiritual Life: Undeniable Ways to Conquer the Flesh and Grow in Christ" by Andrew Murray is a timely and transformative guide for Christians seeking a deeper and more vibrant spiritual life. Murray addresses the prevalent complaint within the Church of Christ regarding the perceived feebleness
Charles 03/27/2017
I read the 1979 edition selected from god' Best Secrets by Andrew Murray......
William 05/30/2016
I would have given 3.5 stars if possible. While I enjoyed Murray's emphasis on the filling of the Holy Spirit, at times I felt as if I was reading the same ideas and concepts over and over. Though this book certainly had its share of memorable quotes, it was a bit of a let down to what I expected.
Wayne 04/16/2015
This book captures a series of lectures Murray gave to pastors and students. It's inspirational, instructive, and a must read for anyone in ministry.

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