‘Keep my hands, that they may move
At the impulse of Thy love.’
When the Lord has said to us, ‘Is thine heart right, as My heart is with thy heart?’ the next word seems to be, ‘If it be, give Me thine hand.’
What a call to confidence, and love, and free, loyal, happy service is this! and how different will the result of its acceptance be from the old lamentation: ‘We labour and have no rest; we have given the hand to the Egyptians and to the Assyrians.’ In the service of these ‘other lords,’ under whatever shape they have presented themselves, we shall have known something of the meaning of having ‘both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit.’ How many a thing have we ‘taken in hand,’ as we say, which we expected to find an agreeable task, an interest in life, a something towards filling up that unconfessed ‘aching void’ which is often most real when least acknowledged; and after a while we have found it change under our hands into irksome travail, involving perpetual vexation [35] of spirit! The thing may have been of the earth and for the world, and then no wonder it failed to satisfy even the instinct of work, which comes natural to many of us. Or it may have been right enough in itself, something for the good of others so far as we understood their good, and unselfish in all but unravelled motive, and yet we found it full of tangled vexations, because the hands that held it were not simply consecrated to God. Well, if so,
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This book is based on Frances Ridley Havergal's (1836-1879) famous hymn TAKE MY LIFE AND LET IT BE, CONSECRATED, LORD TO THEE. This devotional consists of separate chapters on each couplet of the hymn. It is thought-provoking and heart-convict