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Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians

Martin Luther

Book Overview: 

Martin Luther strove to give a verse by verse exegesis of the Epistle to the Galatians in the work. The original work, written in Latin in around 1516, was much longer. This translation by Theodore Graebner (1876-1950) strove to produce a copy of the work in a format and with wording much more applicable to the general English-speaking American public.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Gospel of Peter was mighty, that he converted many, that he wrought great miracles, and that his very shadow healed the sick? These reports are true enough. But where did Peter acquire this power? God gave him the power. I have the same power. I received my power, not from Peter, but from the same God, the same Spirit who was mighty in Peter was mighty in me also." Luke corroborates Paul's statement in the words: "And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them." (Acts 19:11, 12.)

To conclude, Paul is not going to be inferior to the rest of the apostles. Some secular writers put Paul's boasting down as carnal pride. But Paul had no personal interest in his boasting. It was with him a matter of faith and doctrine. The controversy was not about the glory of Paul, but the glory of God, the Word of God, the true wor. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This commentary changed the way I view and communicate the Good News of Christ. The foci of the “external word,” theology “from above,” and “Christ for us and for our salvation” were engrained into every section of Luther’s work. Justification comes by grace through faith, and faith comes from heari

Wish I could give 4.5 because it was a little repetitive and long. But, it's a classic nonetheless from Luther writing about his favourite book.

Throughout the book, a clear argument is made for the distinction between the Law and the Gospel, seen through these points.

1. Luther clearly defines what

Luther's Commentary on Galatians is an amazing read on God's full and total justification of the believer by faith in Jesus Christ. So often, we are like the Galatians - our heart are prone to stray to "another gospel" that is of works, not of grace. This book truly reminds us that Christ alone sa

This is the book that God used to bring me to assurance. It is truly wonderful and should be widely read.

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