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Radioisotopes in Medicine | Earl W. Phelan
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- Earl W. Phelan

Radioisotopes in Medicine is an educational booklet published in 1966 as part of the Understanding the Atom series by the United States Atomic...

Raleigh | Edmund Gosse
2 ratings
- Edmund Gosse

Sir Walter Raleigh's plan in 1584 for colonization in the "Colony and Dominion of Virginia" (which included the present-day states of North...

Recalled to Life | Grant Allen
15 ratings
- Grant Allen

A woman is haunted by a terrible event she witnessed in her youth but is unable to make sense of -- a murder, the sight of which is so traumatic...

Remarkable Rogues | Charles Kingston
8 ratings
- Charles Kingston

Twenty biographical sketches of people you would not want your son or daughter to marry.

Richard Strauss | Herbert Francis Peyser
4 ratings
- Herbert Francis Peyser

There was not much truly spectacular about the course of [Strauss's] life, which was most happily free from the material troubles which bedeviled...

Ride to the Lady and Other Poems | Helen Gray Cone
1 rating
- Helen Gray Cone

This is a volume of poems by New York poet Helen Gray Cone

Roads of Destiny | O. Henry
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- O. Henry

his is another collection of O. Henry short stories.

Robert Schumann | Herbert Francis Peyser
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- Herbert Francis Peyser

This is] the sketchiest outline of Robert Schumann’s short life but amazingly rich achievement. Together with Haydn and Schubert he was, perhaps,...

Rose Leaf and Apple Leaf | Rennell Rodd
2 ratings
- Rennell Rodd

This is the first volume of poetry published by Rennell Rodd, British diplomat, poet and politician. Rodd received help publishing this volume...

Round the Fire Stories | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
230 ratings
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

In the present collection those stories have been brought together which are concerned with the grotesque and with the terrible—such tales as...

Running the Blockade | Thomas E. Taylor
18 ratings
- Thomas E. Taylor

he first-person experiences and adventures of blockade runner during the American civil war.

The Rainbow and the Rose | E. Nesbit
31 ratings
- E. Nesbit

A collection of poetry in the whimsical style of Edith Nesbit, author of "The Five Children and It" and "The Railway Children". These poems are...

The Ralstons | Francis Marion Crawford
2 ratings
- Francis Marion Crawford

Katharine has married Jack Ralston secretly and hoped to force her rich uncle's hand in assisting him to find a career. After his refusal, she...

The Raven and the Philosophy of Composition | Edgar Allan Poe
226 ratings
- Edgar Allan Poe

Poe’s famous narrative poem and the author’s reflections on its composition.

The Red and the Black | Stendhal
75,241 ratings
- Stendhal

Stendhal - a German pen-name for a French writer who hated the English. Contemporary to some of the great names of French literature like Balzac...

The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government - Volume 1 | Jefferson Davis
115 ratings
- Jefferson Davis

The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government is written by Jefferson Davis, former President of the Confederate States of America during the...

The Romance of Polar Exploration | G. Firth Scott
12 ratings
- G. Firth Scott

While stories of the Polar explorers and their efforts to reach the Poles have been told again and again, the constant renewal of expeditions adds...

The Rover Boys in Camp | Edward Stratemeyer
48 ratings
- Edward Stratemeyer

The Rover brothers spend time at Putnam Hall and on a camping expedition in this entry to the series. They have a new set of rivals, let by lanky...

The Rover Boys In The Mountains | Arthur M. Winifield
38 ratings
- Arthur M. Winifield

Another rousing tale of the Brothers Rover, set directly after their adventure in the Great Lakes, detailing yet another encounter with the...

The Runaway Donkey and Other Rhymes For Children | Emilie Poulsson
1 rating
- Emilie Poulsson

This volume contains 21 poems for children by Emilie Poulsson. In her own words, "In the belief that such rhymes as are herein offered gratify and...

Up For Renewal | Lucius Daniel
7 ratings
- Lucius Daniel

Science fiction short story

The Republic | Plato
204,724 ratings
- Plato

The Republic is a Socratic dialogue by Plato, written in approximately 380 BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy and political...

Rinkitink in Oz | L. Frank Baum
6,227 ratings
- L. Frank Baum

Rinkitink in Oz is the tenth book in the Oz series written by L. Frank Baum, first published in 1916. It was originally written in 1905 as a stand...

Numbacruncha | Rigby Taylor
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- Rigby Taylor

"The tale begins with a chilling peek into the near future, when Sebastian and Jarek, now in their eighties, confront a particularly vile...

A Roadside Harp | Louise Imogen Guiney
1 rating
- Louise Imogen Guiney

This is a collection of poems by Louise Imogen Guiney

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