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Frederik Pohl

  • The Knights of Arthur | Frederik Pohl

    Sailors Sam Dunlap and Arthur check in to a New York hotel to await their mate Vern Engdahl when a girl shows up proposing to purchase Arthur. They need guys like Arthur to help run the city, and the fact that he fits in a small suitcase is even better.

  • Survival Kit | Frederik Pohl

    It wasn't fair—a smart but luckless man like Mooney had to scrounge, while Harse always made out just because he had a....

  • Plague of Pythons | Frederik Pohl

    In a post-apocalyptic world where every government in the world has been overrun by its own military machinery, only to see that military machinery self-destruct, people are randomly being affected by a plague that seemingly takes over their brains and forces them to commit heinous crimes....

  • Search the Sky | Frederik Pohl

    Ross was a junior trader on Halsey's Planet, and had great prospects but was not happy at all. Everything smelled of decay. The whole planet seemed to be slowly disappearing, the population dwindling month by month and year by year and yet no one seemd to care or even notice. Something was very...

  • The Day of the Boomer Dukes | Frederik Pohl

    Just as medicine is not a science, but rather an art--a device, practised in a scientific manner, in its best manifestations--time-travel stories are not science fiction. Time-travel, however, has become acceptable to science fiction readers as a traditional device in stories than are otherwise...

  • The Tunnel Under The World | Frederik Pohl

    Pinching yourself is no way to see if you are dreaming. Surgical instruments? Well, yes—but a mechanic's kit is best of all!

  • Pythias | Frederik Pohl

    Sure, Larry Connaught saved my life—but it was how he did it that forced me to murder him!

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