Discover the wisdom and remarkable insights of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, world-renowned spiritual teacher and foremost authority on how the power of your mind creates your world. Dr. Dyer’s weekly talk show on explores the power we have as individuals to create and manifest events in our lives. Hear lively discussions on how you can move past fear and into love. For more from Dr. Dyer, visit
Dr. Wayne Dyer shares how he listens to Source in his own life and reveals how he discovered the works of Vasistha's Yoga and how it inspired him. Dr. Dyer stresses that we must stop and listen to the messages from our inner voice because what was placed there was put there by a Divine Source.
You don't have to settle for "just ok." Dr. Dyer talks with Lynn in Nova Scotia, who has a nephew going through some difficult times. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
Dr. Wayne Dyer shares the story of Kaye O'Bara and her devotion to her comatose daughter Edwarda, which transcends our own experiences of love. It reminds us to look within and see where we can give unconditionally. Dr. Dyer wrote the book A Promise Is a Promise in 2001 detailing Kaye and Edwarda's story, and with Edwarda's passing over the Thanksgiving weekend, Dr. Dyer wanted to share the story again today. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
Dr.Dyer shares some reaction from his children on the project with Esther Hicks and Abraham, Co-Creating At It's Best. Dr. Dyer believes that Abraham's philosophy of picking the thoughts that make you feel good and how being conscious of the thoughts that you are having will bring greater joy and happiness. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
Dr. Dyer shares his experience of taping a special with Oprah Winfrey. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
Dr. Wayne Dyer discusses synchronicities. The things showing up in your life are no accident. The Universe is guided by an intelligent Source. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
Diane Ray shares some listener emails with Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr. Dyer gives some insight to a caller who feels that her spiritual awakening is causing problems in her marriage. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
The essence of enlightenment is being in a state of gratitude. Giving is at the core of God Realization. Dr. Dyer takes some caller questions and describes his philosophy of "thinking from the end." To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
What positive and negative experiences have shaped your life? Dr. Wayne Dyer urges listeners to be in a state of gratitude for everything that comes your way, even the negative experiences, in order to find peace. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit
Dr. Dyer shares a story of his early days as an author and some major decisions he made to make his dream a reality. Dr. Dyer urges you to believe in yourself and listen to the voice within. To find out more about Dr. Wayne Dyer, please visit