The Minimalists Podcast

The Minimalists

Podcast Overview

Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus discuss living a meaningful life with less.

Podcast Episodes

086 | Rich

Joshua & Ryan speak with Rich Roll live on the Less Is Now tour, and they answer the following questions: What questions did you ask yourselves, and what resources did you consult, to determine your five foundational values? What has helped you 'drudge through the drudgery' and stay focused on your projects? How do you let go of the fear that you don't have enough? What films do you find most relatable to the journey of becoming a minimalist? Detailed show notes:

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085 | Shopping

Joshua & Ryan talk about shopping, and they answer the following questions: Do you ever splurge on anything? How do I justify purchasing something new to replace something that is still functional, but has lost its luster? How do I quell my feelings of guilt after purchasing new items? How do I reconcile my need to sell merchandise for my livelihood with my need to hold true to my minimalism values? How can I create a profitable minimalist store? What are good questions to ask myself before I go shopping? Detailed show notes:

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084 | Nonline

Joshua & Ryan speak with Patrick Rhone, author of Enough, in Minneapolis, and they answer the following questions: Is America’s consumerism more nefarious than that of other countries that therefore makes practicing minimalism even more crucial in the United States? Is it better to use up what you have, or is it better to sell it, donate it, or give it away? Should I hang onto the things I purchased for the person I want to become? Are there similarities between the principles of living discussed in Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning and the principles of minimalism? Where should I draw the line with memorabilia? Is it possible for me to live a minimalist lifestyle while making a living selling other people things they don’t need? Detailed show notes:

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083 | Rob

Joshua & Ryan speak with Rob Bell in Los Angeles, and they answer the following questions: What is the best way to tell people you’re a minimalist that is easiest for most people to understand and accept? Is it possible to have a better life with ‘more,’ and, if so, what would that ‘more’ be? How do you find a deep-rooted, lasting happiness in everything? How do you find the flow that makes your work effortless? Why does minimalism seem to be more popular with females than males? Can minimalism help you improve your financial situation? Do you ever secretly buy things and hide them from one another? How do you handle a toxic relationship with a parent? Detailed show notes:

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082 | Hoarding

Joshua & Ryan discussing hoarding and collecting, and they answer the following questions: What are your thoughts on emergency preparedness? How can a minimalist coexist with their hoarder partner? How can I help an older family member adopt minimalist practices? How do you broach the subject of minimalism with a family member that is a dedicated hoarder? Do most hoarders actually find the things they were saving for one day, or do they simply purchase replacements? As a hoarder, where do you start when you’re completely overwhelmed by stuff? Once you’ve decluttered, how do you ensure the cycle doesn’t start again? Detailed show notes:

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081 | Bloodchocolate

Joshua injures himself at a rest stop & Ryan eats chocolate in front of a crowd, and they answer the following questions: What tips and tricks do you have regarding moving? How can you grow side hustles without increasing mental clutter and losing focus? How much chocolate is too much chocolate for a minimalist? What do you do when you’re a minimalist, but your partner has no interest in minimalism? How do you become successful without becoming obsessed with goal achievement? How does minimalism apply to kids? Detailed show notes:

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080 | Family

Joshua & Ryan talk about their families, and they answer the following family-related questions: How does caring for others fit into minimalism? How do you pitch minimalism to folks that are resistant to getting rid of their stuff? How do I part with gifts from family and friends without offending the gift-givers? Detailed show notes:

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079 | Collisions

Joshua & Ryan visit Chicago, and they answer the following questions: How do you deal with the collisions with the values and beliefs of the non-minimalists in your life? How do I donate items to different charities when I don’t have a car to haul the items to those charities? What questions did you ask yourself to determine your passions, and what actions did you take to pursue those passions? What have you learned about yourself that you weren’t able to recognize before adopting minimalism? How can I meet my daily personal and professional obligations without a smartphone? Detailed show notes:

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078 | Q&A

Joshua & Ryan are joined by Minimalism director Matt D'Avella, and they answer the following questions: Was it hard to invest so much money and time into your film project without assurance it was going to succeed? How do I further minimize the essentials in my life when I feel like I’m always overbooked and I can’t catch my breath? How have your lives changed since you made the film? What can we do as a community to further promote the message of living more intentionally and simply? What was the most challenging thing about making the film? If you were to make the film again, what would you do differently? What is your next project? Detailed show notes:

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077 | Seattle

Joshua & Ryan visit Seattle, and they answer the following questions: After you found success, what changed in your lives? Can you be in a committed relationship with someone who doesn’t share the same core values as you? If I must use social media for my job, how do I regulate my usage of it effectively? How can I ensure my family has access to all of my digital archives when I pass away? What is the most significant obstacle most people encounter when they’re trying to minimize? How can I be a minimalist and still enjoy a hobby that requires a significant amount of accoutrements? How can I be a minimalist with multiple dogs without getting rid of the dogs? Is the ease or difficulty of adopting and maintaining minimalism tied to geography? Detailed show notes:

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