Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at
I've always believed that we should re-name the Law of Attraction; the Law of What You Think About Most. Like attracts like. What you think about will become real. Period. If you are always saying, "I won't get something because I never do," you're right. You won't. If you always dream of a new life while focusing on your current problem, you'll get more of those problems. You get what you focus on most. Worse, you might not be aware where you are placing your attention. Be careful where you focus today - then follow up with massive imperfect action until you get what you want.
As you head into the second half of the year, I wonder if you've given yourself enough runway? Reaching your goals means knowing exactly where you want to go. It's also flexible when the winds blow you off course. There's one more thing. Succeeding in any mission requires momentum before take off. In other words, before you pour on the gas, do you have enough time to build the speed you need? Your success journey is no different than a pilot at the controls at the end of the runway. You're going to need both time and power for a successful launch.
There's a trend that is teaching folks to resist what they don't like. They say, "Be the resistance!" But isn't that the exact opposite of how the world works? You may have heard, "What you resist persists." Maybe you have experienced it's power first hand. I guarantee that you will get MORE of what you DON'T want. All you have to do is continue to focus your attention on what you DON'T want. It's common sense. If you spend your time focused on anything, even bad stuff, it must be pretty important to you. You're going to get more. The solution is switching your focus and thoughts to what you want to bring into your life - exclusively. Start today. It gets easier with practice.
On a couple of Monday's a month we hold a Click Coaching. Folks from all over the world allow me to mentor them. On our last call, Jenifer had a question. "I tend to be hard on myself, and I'm not sure how to get out of the habit. I'm flexible and easy going, but when it comes to myself, I don't give myself a break. Do you have any insight?" Yes, and it's more common than you think. The trick is to catch yourself being hard on yourself at the moment it happens. Then, interrupt the pattern by saying something like, "This is NOT me! I treat myself like I treat everybody else," and begin acting that way. You must interrupt the pattern and immediately replace it. Otherwise, the behavior will continue. On the other hand, if you do, I promise it won't take long before you find yourself being nicer - to yourself.
Have you ever started your day reflecting on the people who made an impact in your life? People often ask who my mentors have been over the years and the lessons learned. It's always an easy answer. When I was 25 years old, my friend Larry, a successful business person gave me the gift of his mentorship and his well-worn copy of Zig Ziglar's "See You at The Top." As I dug into the 12-cassette program, there was one lesson that has guided my life to this day. "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” Not a day goes by that I don't live by that mantra - just like Larry did so long ago. Life is good - even on a Monday.
A few days ago I realized that it had been 17 years since I quit my last full-time job. I also started loving Monday's again. Then, out of nowhere, I remembered a question I asked myself all those years ago that propelled me forward. "What if I blew off everything that I thought I needed to do today. Instead, I performed the one activity that would grow my business, career, happiness, or prosperity. What would you do?" Now it's your turn. What would you do? Don't tell me everything is important. That's not true. Most everything is filler. So, what is important? Of course, it's anything that will your grow your business, career, happiness, or prosperity. Whoa - I can almost hear the gears in your mind churning from here!
I received an email asking, "I know I need to work on myself, but I'm feeling selfish." That calls for a dose of ScottLOGIC. Making your life better requires YOU to be responsible for YOU. You must be selfish. In only best ways. If you selfishly know what makes you happy, you probably make others happy too. Be selfish enough to know what you to best and stick to it. You will rock your career and bank balance into the stratosphere. Plus, you'll be helping a lot of folks along the way. When you're selfish enough to take care of yourself, you can take care of others - and be sexxxxxy. Be selfish enough to know yourself before mixing it up with others. You'll be the best partner ever. Be selfish enough to know what you believe. Everybody loves somebody with a depth of belief. You selfishly took your first breath in life and will let out the last. Why not be control between to two, as well?
My wife and I were watching Shark Tank on television and simultaneously gasped when an entrepreneur didn't know their numbers. Joi said, "Oh no! Mr. Wonderful is going to go after her." That started me thinking about the numbers of a successful life. How many books to do read? How many mentors do you have? How many hours a week are you productive? How many times do you go to the gym? How many time do you say, "I love you" to your wife? There are more. How many happy customers, clients, friends, employees, family, friends and kids to you have? How many positive thoughts versus negative do you have on a daily basis? Numbers don't lie. When you know yours, it will be impossible to continue on any path that doesn't make you happy.
It's a holiday weekend and we're playing with family today. Show notes will be back tomorrow.
It's a new week - and that means another opportunity for you to continue your quest for your best life. But, what exactly will it take for you to get what you want? I've had many mentors in my life. All made a point of validating that I possessed three characteristics before working with me. Would you pass the test? Do you have a burning desire to achieve your goal? Are you a coachable person and prepared to accept the wisdom and guidance of others? Do you have the willingness to undertake the effort required to achieve your success? Going it alone and doing things your way will get you started. However, you'll only realize upper levels of success with the help of others. Isn't it time for you to get out there and find a mentor that will help you accelerate your journey?