Your Move with Andy Stanley Podcast

Andy Stanley

Podcast Overview

Welcome to the Your Move with Andy Stanley podcast. In this weekly 30-minute message from Andy, you will discover how to make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. So check out our website at for additional ways to watch, listen, and connect.

Podcast Episodes

Your Move 2017, Part Three - Pay Attention to the Tension

Have you ever needed to make a big decision quickly? In this episode, Andy reveals a question that can bring clarity to the options you're considering.

Your Move 2017, Part Two - The Story of Your Life

Every decision you make becomes part of the story of your life. In this episode, Andy explains how to make your story one you want to tell.

Your Move 2017, Part One - Really

We've all made decisions that make us look back and wonder how we could have been so dumb. In this episode, Andy reveals a question that can help prevent more regrets.

Breathing Room 2017, Part Four - Choosing to Cheat

What do you do when your work life is so full you don't have time for the people who matter most? In this episode, Andy talks about creating breathing room for our relationships.

Breathing Room 2017, Part Three - Dollars and Sense

We often think that a higher standard of living equals a better quality of life. In this episode, Andy talks about creating breathing room for our bank accounts.

Breathing Room 2017, Part Two - Time

Sometimes we can't enjoy anything because we're trying to do everything. In this episode, Andy explains the value of limiting what you do with your limited time.

Breathing Room 2017, Part One - Ex-Squeeze Yourself

Busy lives make it easy to lose sight of what's important. In this episode, Andy explains why life is better with breathing room.

Who Needs God, Part Six - I Do

We all want to be masters of our own destinies. We all want to feel in control of our lives. The idea of autonomy is attractive; it makes life feel ordered and predictable. One of the biggest barriers to belief in God’s existence is that we don’t want to need God. But what if autonomy is an illusion?

Who Needs God, Part Five - In-Justice For All

We all want to rid the world of injustice. But we can only recognize injustice if we know what justice is to begin with. We don’t always agree about what is just. So, who gets to define justice?

Who Needs God, Part Four - The God of Jesus

It’s easy to get caught between doubt and despair when we’ve always assumed God to be something he's not. If God has lost his appeal because we’ve mixed him up with a gaggle of gods that don’t exist, then how can we know what God is really like?

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