Rabbi Daniel Lapin

TheBlaze Radio Network

Podcast Overview

Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.

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Podcast Episodes

7/15/17 - The Sad Slide of Socialism into Debauchery, Degeneracy, and Depravity

Why are those who support confiscatory rates of taxation usually the same people as those who support increased entitlement spending?  Why do opponents of the death penalty for murder also usually support abortion?  Why do those who consider Christianity to be a bigger problem than Islam want America to resemble Europe?  Why do those who think public schools are doing a great job also generally support transgenderism?  Why do those who feel America’s contribution to the world has been negative also think marriage is only one way, and not the best way, to organize society?  Are these all coincidences or is there some hidden secret force guiding it all?

7/15/17 - A Glimpse Thru My Lens: How The World REALLY Works

Let’s go back to first principles.  I invite you to see the world through my eyes.  How the insanity of today’s headlines makes perfect sense as long as you have the right lens. I provide you with the tools, you decide.

Excremental Assault & Fecal Fixation-The Culture of Death

In this show I describe the many ways that death has unobtrusively invaded our culture. Sometimes it is camouflaged as tolerance or political correctness. Other times such as the assisted suicide and euthanasia legalization movement it is quite blatant. Infatuation with the culture of death underlies much of how ugliness is replacing beauty, vulgarity is replacing restraint, and why C**P and S**T have become part of almost conventional communication. Every A*****E knows that. Flinging those words around is the equivalent of a Guantanamo detainee flinging a bag of his own feces at an American officer. I explain how the world REALLY works, even in these darker corners. So, remember, always choose LIFE!!

I judge religion off the behaviors of their devotees

I judge religion off the behaviors of their devotees. Observe people who follow the dictates of the Torah. Those people are the ones you can look to be model citizens apart of their religion and culture.

7/1/17 Ladies, Don’t Pretend to Reach for Your Wallet-Let Him Pay!

Another island analogy describing what will happen in America, Canada, and Europe, as more and more people go onto government payroll. 77% of women expect man to pay for date. Are they gold diggers? Are they free-loaders? Are they poor? Not at all. Their reasons are not financial. They are emotional and they are valid. We explore just why it is in the best interests of both the man and the woman for him to pay for dinner. And while we’re at it, don’t date him if he doesn’t have a job.

7/1/17 What Can She Do?--Her Boyfriend Is A Loser

It was fun for the two of them being broke, lefty students back in art school but now she’s late 20s and has a real job making real money. But Loser Boyfriend is still without a job, ambition, emotional maturity, or health insurance. She wants, furniture, a vacation, and yes, a baby! Must she kick him to the curb? Let your rabbi bring the bad news.

Did Mrs. Lapin Really Call Me A Gorilla? (Was it payback?)

Why was Mrs. Lapin laughing at the Balzac quote about most husbands looking like Orangutans trying to play violins? We avoid building bridges that are destined to fail. We avoid constructing buildings that defy laws of gravity and will fall. Yet, large numbers of people set themselves up in living arrangements that will most likely result in trainwrecks. Do some “open marriages” survive? There may be one or two. Do most children do better living with their father and their mother married to one another? Yes, and what is more most men and women thrive better in marriage than they would in alternative living arrangements. People know better than to defy physical laws yet they often assume spiritual laws are less immutable.

Bad Bridges Fall and Bad Living Arrangements Make Men & Women Miserable

When you stick to the laws of engineering and physics you build bridges and buildings that stand strong and endure. When you stick to the laws of how the world REALLY works you build marriages that thrive happily and endure. We find the former easier to accept than the latter.

It’s The Tough Men-Only-Work-With-Your-Hands Jobs That Leave America

China is buying one large American company after another. Hilton Hotels, GE Appliances, Waldorf Hotel, AMC Theaters, Motorola, Smithfield Foods, and hundreds & hundreds more. Progressive politicians say, “No problem! It’s all good.” Academics and media elites are all internationalists and globalists anyway, so they think it’s just fine. But what does your gut say? Is it really good when an American company moves production to China? There’s a reason the secular left is fine with man jobs leaving. And remember, nobody can make you do anything.

Will We All Become China’s Slaves?

Whether it’s toothaches, cars, or countries, years of neglect and mismanagement take a toll. What is more, initial efforts at repair cause pain and are expensive in time and money. Not surprisingly, after 24 years of damage and decay America is selling itself to China. When last did you see something made in America? Does this matter? You bet it does. Let me explain why.

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