Matt Walsh - TheBlaze

TheBlaze Radio Network

Podcast Overview

Matt Walsh is a blogger, writer, speaker, and professional truth sayer. Subscribe to his weekly podcast.

Podcast Episodes

5 things every man should do before getting married

Matt explains what men need to do in order to prepare themselves for marriage.

What's the best way to find a suitable partner?

Matt discusses the 5 things to help a woman find a suitable partner. He mentions how a suitable partner should be able to hold a steady job. This is important in young men, because it show that they have ambition. To want to go out and work and hold a steady job instead of sitting on the couch playing video games holds a better future especially if they plan on getting married.

Your Child Cannot Choose His Own Gender. Nobody Can

Matt deals with the idea that children should be able to choose their own gender

Our Kids Can't Choose which Ice Cream to Eat Much Less Their Gender

Giving kids multiple options doesn't equate to good parenting... By the time your child has picked which flavor of ice cream they want, it's melted...

The Charlie Gard case is what happens in a culture of death

Matt discusses the tragic Charlie Gard case, and why all life must be treated with dignity and respect.

Who gets to decide what is best for a sick child, the parents or the hospital?

Matt Walsh tells the story of a baby named Charlie, who is dealing with Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome, which an lead to organ failure and brain damage. The hospital decided that there was nothing they could do for the child and that he should be taken off life support but the parents disagreed. He explains the conflict between hospitals and parents, in deciding the fate of a child.

Don't make God part of your life.

Matt addresses a common Christian cliche.

Happiness begins with a smile!

Matt compares a fortune cookie fortune to religious meanings from a church service he was attending. He explains how the service is selling Jesus as a means to prosperity of peace and luxury, if you have Jesus in your life. The "Prosperity Preachers" make Jesus a part of the church proceedings and not an important part of your life.

The insanity in our culture is your fault if you won't speak out against it

Matt discusses the problem of moral cowardice in our culture

What does it mean to be fair?

Matt Walsh discusses how even though society is trying to change for the best to accept everyone for who they are, society is also robbing itself of the freedom to be who you are. He talks about how hard it is for someone to express their concerns and disagreements because of backlash from society. It is becoming more and more difficult for "everyone" to express themselves verbally. At what point, is someone allowed to step in and say this is enough?

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