

Podcast Overview

PragerU is one of the world's leading producers of conservative online video content. We present the ideas that led to the creation and development of the freest and most prosperous nation in history – The United States of America. We do this through five-minute, entertaining, educational video courses with professors, authors, comedians and some of the world's sharpest minds. Listen to our podcasts for the audio versions of our weekly videos. Go to to watch the videos.

Podcast Episodes

PragerU - Black, Millennial, Female, and... Conservative

Antonia Okafor, a young, single, black woman, recently discovered that's she's a racist, sexist, misogynist. How in the world did this happen? None other than Antonia Okafor explains.

PragerU - School Choice Saved My Life

Poor students deserve just as good an education as rich students, right? So why are so many stuck in failing public schools? Denisha Merriweather, who benefited from school vouchers, explains the problem and the solution.

PragerU - Was America Founded to Be Secular?

Did the Founding Fathers want American society to be religious or secular? Joshua Charles, author of Liberty's Secrets, explains.

PragerU - What Is Fake News?

What is fake news? Is Donald Trump correct when he says CNN, The New York Times, and other mainstream outlets report fake news? Commentator and bestselling author Andrew Klavan explains.

PragerU - JFK: Democrat or Republican?

John F. Kennedy lowered taxes, opposed abortion, supported gun rights, and believed in a strong military. And he was a proud Democrat. But would he be one today? Author and talk show host Larry Elder explains.

PragerU - When Transparency Really Means Tyranny

When you hear the word "transparency," what comes to mind? Maybe words like openness and honesty. But David French of the The National Review, shows how progressives, under the guise of "transparency," are ruining the lives of many good Americans.

PragerU - Why You Love Capitalism

Do you use an iPhone? Watch Netflix? Listen to Spotify? Then you love capitalism and can't stand big government. How do we know? Jared Meyer of the Foundation for Government Accountability explains.

PragerU - How to Get Kids to Listen

Why is it so hard for so many parents and teachers to get kids to do as they are told? Because too many adults have followed some very bad advice. Family psychologist John Rosemond offers some useful tips on how to get the little barbarians to listen.

PragerU - Build the Wall

Can America solve its illegal immigration problem both justly and humanely? Yes, but it requires first building a border wall. Washington Post columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Charles Krauthammer explains why.

PragerU - Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War?

Why did America fight the Vietnam War? The military suffered over 58,000 casualties, and America withdrew in defeat. What for? Historian Victor Davis Hanson explains.

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