On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah

Podcast Overview

On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah, a podcast presented by

Each week, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union For Reform Judaism, will offer divrei Torah (insights into the weekly Torah portion) to help open up Jewish thought and its contemporary influence on your life. He condenses 2,000 years of Jewish wisdom into just 10 minutes of modern-day commentary.

There are plenty of ways to interpret Torah and we want to hear what you think. You can weigh in on this week’s Torah portion by talking to us on Twitter @URJ or at

Podcast Episodes

Challenging The Rules

In Parashat Pinchas, Zelophehad’s five daughters petition God. It’s the first picture that the Torah provides of radical, essential challenging of the rules, and better yet, the challenging is done by women. What kind of significance does this hold? Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacob’s take on it in this episode of On the Other Hand.

Songs of the Soul

This week, Rabbi Jacobs welcomes singer/songwriter Neshama Carlebach. They discuss Parashat Balak¸ which songs speak to their souls, and what it’s like to travel the world as a Jewish singer. Plus, she shares a melody about gratitude and moving forward from pain.  

When to Ask Why

Parashat Chukat contains the commandment of the red heifer, and it’s one that many people find puzzling. What should we think of the commandments that don’t have an explanation? Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism discuss what things may be worth letting go, and how we can keep Jewish life vibrant in the 21st century.

Sacred Disagreement

In this infamous parashah, Korach, a relative of Moses, argues with Moses, wondering why he can’t be the leader of the Israelites instead. Disagreement can be sacred in the Jewish tradition, but when does that disagreement become self-serving? Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, discusses disagreement, divisiveness, and compromise, in this episode of On the Other Hand.

Judaism on the Fringes

What does it mean to be on the fringes of Judaism? Does Judaism allow for creativity, allowing those on the fringe who want, to be brought toward the center? Is Judaism open to different forms of expression? In this episode of On the Other Hand, Rabbi Jacobs describes his take, and how it fits in to Parashat Sh’lach L’cha.

Is the Torah Colorblind?

In this episode of On The Other Hand, Rabbi Jacobs is joined by April Baskin, URJ Vice President of Audacious Hospitality, to discuss the provocative text in Parashat B’haalot’cha when Miriam and Aaron talk behind Moses’s back about Moses marrying Tziporah, a Kushite woman.  Listen to Rabbi Jacobs and April Baskin discuss this text, whether Judaism is colorblind, and where the North American Jewish community can do better by Jews of Color.

What is a Blessing

Parashat Naso features a very famous blessing – but what does it mean for one person to bless another? Is it a power reserved for the ancient priests, or is it something that we are all capable of? What kinds of actions constitute a blessing? Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, describe what he sees as a blessing in this episode of On the Other Hand.

Do Numbers Matter?

Do you know which countries have the largest population of Jewish people? What about how many Jews serve in the United States Congress? As we begin the Book of Numbers with Parashat B’midbar, Rabbi Jacobs talks us through the numbers of the Jewish people today, as Parashat B’midbar does with the Israelites wandering the desert after the Exodus. Listen to this episode of On the Other Hand to learn what Rabbi Jacobs thinks about these numbers, and whether they matter.

What the Torah Says About Being Green

For anyone who doubts that Judaism includes social and environmental justice, this week’s commentary on the double portion of B’har-B’chukotai sings forth that we have a fundamental responsibility to care for God’s Earth, and to be attentive to the neediest among us. How does this section of the Torah ask that we do that? Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, tells us how in this episode of On the Other Hand.

Gratitude, Obligation, and Responsibility, A Jewish Year with Abigail Pogrebin

Parashat Emor lays out the sacred calendar of the Jewish people as we know it in the Torah, and there’s no one better to discuss this parashah with Rabbi Jacobs than Abigail Pogrebin, author of the book “My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew.” Pogrebin tells us about her year of studying, preparing for, and observing all 18 holidays on the Hebrew calendar, and what she learned about gratitude, obligation, and responsibility.

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