Life After God

Ryan Bell

Podcast Overview

Writer and speaker, Ryan Bell, of A Year Without God, shares insightful commentary on religion and irreligion in North America and engaging interviews with believers, heretics and the uncertain.

Podcast Episodes

054 - A Better Life with Chris Johnson

On this episode I speak with photographer and filmmaker, Chris Johnson, about his book and documentary project, A Better Life, which tells the stories of 100 atheists who have found joy and meaning in a world without God. Chris is just completing a long season of touring with the film. You can learn more the links below. Learn more about Life After God: Support the Life After God: Mentioned in this episode A Better Life website: Chris Johnson Twitter:

053 Escaping Quiverfull with Brooke Arnold

On this episode I speak with comedian and survivor of the Quiverfull cult, Brooke Arnold. Mentioned in this episode: Brooke Arnold's website || I could've been a Duggar wife (Salon) || Kurt Metzger ||

052 - Ex-Files: Matthew Faraday

On this episode of The Ex-Files I speak to Matthew Faraday. Matthew lives with in Michigan with his wife and two kids. He is a nurse, an avid cyclist, and a lover of craft beer. Unbeknownst to either of us, Matthew and I started a journey to get to the bottom of the claims of Christianity around the same time. We began corresponding in Nov 2014. We finally talked about our overlapping experiences.

051 - The Big Picture with Sean Carroll

This week I speak with theoretical physicist (Caltech), Sean Carroll. We talk about his new book entitled, The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself. The author of two previous books on physics for popular audiences (From Eternity to Here, The Particle at the End of the Universe), Sean now turns his attention to questions of meaning, purpose and ethics, weaving this subjects together with his understanding of physics. Mentioned in this episode: Sean Carroll's Website: Sean Carroll's Twitter: The Big Picture, by Sean Carroll Scale, by Geoffrey West

050 - Confessions of a Lapsed Podcaster

In this episode, Ryan returns from a 6 month hiatus and explains where he's been and what's next. Mentioned in this episode: --Mary Oliver, *Upstream: Selected Essays* --Room to Thrive, the coaching and counseling practice of Brian Peck, LCSW (

049 - Talking Faith and Deconversion with Andy Stanley

This week I speak to Andy Stanley, senior pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Andy founded the church over 20 years ago and today it is the largest congregation in America, according to Outreach Magazine. I talk to Andy about his experience growing up Christian, his interest in people's stories, including deconversion stories, and how Christians can be their own worst enemies. We even chat for a minute about politics and how evangelicals might be able to salvage their integrity after this election. While we differ on many issues, we agree that serving the needs of humanity is paramount and something religious and non-religious people can engage in together. LINKS Personal website | North Point Community Church | Help me replace my computer | Life After God | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter |

048 - Finding God in the Waves with Mike McHargue

This week I speak with speaker and podcaster, Mike McHargue, about his first book, "Finding God in the Waves: How I Lost My Faith and Found It Again Through Science," which came out yesterday. In both his book and this episode, Mike tells of his journey from fundamentalist Christianity to atheism to what he calls mystical Christianity. Mike is the host of two popular podcasts: Ask Science Mike and The Liturgists, which he co-hosts with musician, Michael Gungor. LINKS Buy Mike's book: Visit Mike's website: Ask Science Mike Podcast: The Liturgists Podcast:

047 - SPECIAL UPDATE with Gretta Vosper

In this special update I speak with Gretta Vosper about the decision that just came down last week, declaring that she is "unfit for ministry in the United Church of Canada." This decision has come after a year and half of investigation into Gretta's beliefs after she said publicly that she does not believe in a theistic God. For more background on Vosper's work at West Hill United Church in Toronto and the United Church of Canada's investigation into her fitness for ministry, please listen to Episode 2: "Flock sticks with atheist United Church minister," Toronto Star, Sept. 11, 2016 Gretta's personal website: West Hill United Church's website:

046 - Ex-Files: Ciera Ramirez and Facing Depression

On this episode of The Ex-Files, I speak Cierra Ramirez. Ciera is was born and raised in New Mexico but for the past couple of years has called Austin, Texas, her home. As you’ll see, she’s a thoughtful and articulate woman. She’s a theater actor currently puppeteering in a local puppet opera production! She loves hiking, kayaking, going to the movies, and good beer. We begin our conversation talking about Ciera’s early religious experiences, her conversation to Christianity, and her eventual growth out of religion. Ciera also speaks vulnerably about her lifelong struggle with depression. She’s recently taken some courageous steps toward her own well-being. I’m honored she was willing to share her story with all of us.

045 - One Year Anniversary of the Podcast with Brian Peck

On the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the podcast I had the opportunity to visit with Brian Peck. Though Brian and I had never met until last weekend, we have become good friends over the past year. He has been volunteering for Life After God, making the thoughtful memes you see on Facebook and Twitter, and generally running our social media accounts. In this episode Brian and I talk briefly about some of our plans for the upcoming year, including new resources we plan to create as well as a new plan for brining on a few new coaches and expanding our coaching services significantly. We also run down the top 10 most listened to podcasts at the one-year mark. Here they are, in case you'd like to see them in print: 10 — Ep 37 - Everyone's Agnostic with Cass Midgley 9 — Ep 03 - Interview with David Hayward 8 — Ep 19 - Interview with Bart Campolo 7 — Ep 05 - Give Me Sex Jesus 6 — Ep 01 - Introduction with Ryan Bell 5 — Ep 30 - Jesus Before the Gospels: A Conversation with Bart Ehrman 4 — Ep 02 - Interview with Gretta Vosper 3 — Ep 40 - Excommunicating the Church with Jeremy Runnells 2 — Ep 22 - Mormon Stories with John Dehlin 1 — Ep 41 - The Ex-Files: Rachael Gunderson

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