Interfaith Voices Podcast (hour-long version)

Interfaith Voices

Podcast Overview

Interfaith Voices provides engaging and informative discussion on the key public issues of our day through the lenses of many different faith perspectives. We foster religious tolerance and educate our listeners on the broad diversity of religious traditions and viewpoints in the United States.

This podcast feed is for the hour-long version of the program.

Podcast Episodes

Chaplains Part IV: Humanism at Harvard

Greg Epstein is a rarity among chaplains... he’s not actually religious at all. He’s a humanist. We drop into his routine at Harvard University.

Humanizing Pastoral Care

Bart Campolo is a former evangelical pastor who no longer believes in God, but still prays. Jason Callahan says his faith fell away when he left home for college. Today they work as humanist chaplains.

'Coming Out' as an African American Atheist

Jamila Bey was 19 years old when she told her mother she was agnostic. Considering an overwhelming majority of African Americans say they believe in God with “absolute certainty,” so that didn’t go over very well.

'Orphan Theology' and the Christian Adoption Movement

A journalist says the evangelical overseas adoption movement may be doing more harm than good. The Christian Alliance for Orphans responds.

Kathryn Joyce: Saving Orphans that Don't Need to be Saved

For many evangelical Christians, giving a needy child a home isn't the only reason to adopt an orphan; according to journalist Kathryn Joyce, the call is also rooted in 'orphan theology.'

Jedd Medefind: A Response

The president of a major Christian adoption alliance says Kathryn Joyce has taken facts out of context, and woven them into a story that misses the bigger picture.

Sacred Harp, Plus the Faiths of Our Founders

First, we hear a sonic tribute to sacred harp. It's a form of music that is distinctively American, which got its start right around the time our country was becoming a new nation. Then, the faiths of our founders.

Customizing the New Testament with a Razor Blade

It turns out that Thomas Jefferson, our third president and the lead author of the Declaration of Independence, spent his off hours in the White House creating his own personal Bible.

Podcast Extra: Turning the Tables on Church Homophobia

At the Pentecostal Church she grew up in, Rev. Yvette Flunder recalls pastors who were tender and kind and understanding. That is, until one topic came up. From our friends at KALW's 'The Spiritual Edge.'

Faith on the Fourth

Everytime we gather to sing the national anthem or retell the stories of our founding fathers, we're participating in a kind of secular religion that is uniquely American.

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