The Indoor Kids with Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon

Nerdist Industries

Podcast Overview

The Indoor Kids isn't just about video games, but it isn't not about video games. The Indoor Kids is all about the kind of lifestyle you have to lead in order to be a proper Gamer, capital G. Join hosts Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon as they take a journey from childhood Shinobi obsessions, up through the best and worst video game adaptations of movies. Grab your Energy Swords(Mountain Dew liter bottles)!

Podcast Episodes

The Damon Poop Effect with Adam Sessler

Today we welcome Adam Sessler to talk about gaming, apartments where terrorists live, The Martian, and Sessler's new project, Friday the 13th: The Game! Enjoy!  

And if you haven't heard, we are going on a hiatus while we both have demanding full time gigs for a bit. We love you, love making this podcast, love hearing from all of you (even those of you that correct us mercilessly), and we have especially loved finding a community of like-minded, silly, smart, passionate people. We'll keep playing and keep posting about what we're playing, so don't unfollow us on Facebook and Twitter just yet. (Halo 5! Fallout! Battlefront!) Thank you for your support. You are all chicken sandwich.

Horror with Graham Reznick and Larry Fessenden

Today Kumail and Emily welcome Graham Reznick and Larry Fessenden, writers of the game Until Dawn and producers/writers/genre creators of a bunch of amazing movies. We talk about the resurgence of indie horror, the challenges of writing a video game, and also Ron Perlman. There are Until Dawn spoilers, but they are late in the podcast and clearly delineated!

NYCC and Embarrassing Gamer Stories with Kumail and Emily

Today you're getting a Kumail and Emily-only episode where we recap our one day at NYCC and then talk about all the games we're playing and read your best (or worst) embarrassing gamer stories. Enjoy! 

Virtual Reality with David "Yarvo" Yarovesky

Today Kumail and Emily welcome their pal Yarvo, who they've been playing video games with for years, to talk about his movie The Hive! They talk about the horrors that can befall old school gamers, the time Yarvo did a 9 hour raid in Destiny, how he thinks of movies, and more!

The Indoor Kids at Fantastic Fest

This week Kumail and Emily are alone in a hotel room in Austin reflecting on their annual pilgrimage to Fantastic Fest. Hear them talk about bands, movies, songs from Ren and Stimpy, and more!

Live from the LA PodFest

Today you get to hear the magic of a live podcast episode with Kumail, Emily, Jared Logan, and Thomas Middleditch! Middleditch has opinions about MGS and... politics! Jared talks Cthulu! We talk Until Dawn! It's so fun!

She's In Everything with Laura Bailey

Today Kumail and Emily welcome voice over actress extraordinaire Laura Bailey! We talk about Monster High, the perils of mo-cap performances, and much more!

**SPOILER ALERT** for Medal Gear Solid around 22:30 minutes

MegaMegas with The Megas

Today Kumail and Emily welcome Josh and Greg from The Megas to talk about their band, their influences, what they're playing now, and how useful an app that tells you how long cutscenes are would be.


The Indoor Kids with... You!

The first ever crowdsourced Indoor Kids episode is here! Emily and Kumail were absolutely blown away by how charming and professional and diverse your submissions were, and thank you so much for contributing. The things you're consuming included anything from the Marvel app to Desert Golf to Better Off Ted to a really random drink, and they loved hearing about them all!

Contributors include (not in order):
Angelo R
Gordon B
James M
Danielle C
Matt and Pat
Matt E
Zac K
Candace H
Mag and Mr. Kyle
Bannon R
Marc D
Ian Q
SungWon C
Nazareth J
Nathan and Sam
Jay M
Scott C
Sean R
Doug and Aldrin
Nikki B
Izzy B
Chris C
Alex and D'arby
Stephanie C
Erik B
Anthony S
Pete D
Brendan M
Chris R
Don B
Matthew A
Jacob C
Diego and Erick

Trashman, Seaman, and You with Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher

Today we are missing Kumail, so Emily decided to have comedians and couple Cameron and Rhea join her to talk about some super bizarre video games, TV, movies, and more!

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