The Biddy Tarot Podcast: Tarot | Intuition | Empowerment

Brigit Esselmont: Founder of Biddy Tarot, Tarot Teacher & Mentor, and Intuitive Business Strategist

Podcast Overview

The Biddy Tarot Podcast reveals how you can connect deeply with your intuition and live an empowered and enlightened life, with the Tarot cards as your guide. The show is perfect for Tarot beginners, aspiring Tarot readers and experienced Tarot professionals who want to read Tarot with confidence. Listen as my guests and I share our very best tips and strategies to help you become an accurate and insightful Tarot reader. Whether you are looking to master the Tarot card meanings, develop your intuition, enhance your psychic abilities, become a professional Tarot reader, or simply improve your Tarot reading skills, the Biddy Tarot Podcast can and will help you. Learn more and get connected at

Podcast Episodes

BTP82: Modern Tarot with Michelle Tea

Today, we’re speaking with Michelle Tea, author of the book Modern Tarot, Connecting with Your Higher Self through the Wisdom of the Cards. (Published by Harper-Collins). With her unique insight, inviting pop sensibility, and wicked humor, Modern Tarot is a fascinating journey through the cards that teaches how to use this tradition to connect with our higher selves. 

Michelle and I share the same desire to bring a modern approach to Tarot. Whether you’re a committed seeker or a digital-age skeptic—or perhaps a little of both—Tea’s essential guide opens the power of tarot to you. Modern Tarot doesn’t require you to believe in the supernatural or narrowly focus on the tarot as a divination tool. Tea instead provides incisive descriptions of each of the 78 cards in the tarot system—each illustrated in the charmingly offbeat style of cartoonist Amanda Verwey—and introduces specially designed card-based rituals that can be used with any deck to guide you on a path toward radical growth and self-improvement. 

In this podcast episode you’ll learn:  

  • Michelle’s philosophy on modern Tarot and how it can become more mainstream 
  • Her vision for Tarot in the future 
  • Her process for writing her book Modern Tarot

BTP81: A Powerful Tarot Ritual for Personal Development

Tarot is for more than just divination. I also believe that the Tarot is a powerful tool for personal development.  

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a powerful Tarot ritual that you can use for your own personal development and deep soul work. Each time I do this ritual, I have had such an enriching experience on a very personal level, so I wanted to share it with each of you. 

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:  

  • How I developed this personal development ritual when I was in Spain with my family  
  • The exact process I take, and questions I ask when conducting this ritual  
  • Ten ideas for how you can use this process for yourself  

Additional Resources 

Learn how to develop your own personal Tarot retreat 

Learn the Five Simple Steps to Read Tarot with Confidence 

Get free Tarot tips on the Biddy Tarot blog 

BTP80: The Linestrider Tarot with Siolo Thompson

On today's Biddy Tarot Podcast, I'm talking with Siolo Thompson, the creator of the Linestrider Tarot. It was originally released on IndieGoGo back in 2015, but was recently picked up by Llewellyn, and now you'll find this deck in major bookstores and on Amazon, and in all sorts of amazing places.  

Siolo and I have a chat about the Linestrider Tarot, but also about this journey she's been on from publishing the deck, and then being picked up by such a well-known publisher, and everything that goes with that – plus a lot of other fun stuff, like: 

  • How Salvador Dali inspired Siolo to create her first Tarot deck 
  • What inspired the Linestrider Tarot deck 
  • Why a crowdfunding campaign was critical to the success of the Linestrider Tarot deck 
  • The ins and outs of having your Tarot deck (or book) published by a publishing house 

I think you'll really enjoy today's episode, so let's get to it... 

Additional Resources 

See the Linestrider Tarot at  

Check out Siolo's work at  

Find Siolo on social media at 

Buy The Linestrider Tarot Deck on Amazon

BTP79: Ask Brigit: How to Read Tarot for Others

Today's episode is a special "Ask Brigit", where I dive into the questions our community has been asking about Tarot.  

We're focusing today on questions that involve reading Tarot for others. We often see the same themes coming up in questions, so in today's episode, you'll learn: 

  • Is it OK to ask your client questions? 
  • How to keep your personal energy out of a reading 
  • How to stay true to your style as a reader when your client has a different style or expectation 
  • How to deal with nerves before and during a reading 
  • How to communicate what's coming up in a reading, specifically as messages come up psychically 

These are all skills that are important in learning how to read Tarot for others, with confidence.  

Let's get into it... 

Additional Resources 

Online Tarot Course: Read Tarot with Confidence

BTP78: The Reluctant Tarot Reader with Raven Mardirosian

I am so excited today to be talking with Raven Mardirosian. Raven dreamed of being a missionary, a vet, or an English teacher, and becoming a professional Tarot reader never crossed her mind.  

However, she went from being a staunch, born-again Christian and promising academic to life in the woo-woo world. Since become a professional Tarot reader, and she’s authored thirteen books, and many of them include Tarot. She currently offers her gifts through Tarot and Reiki sessions, consulting, and classes on her website at 

I think so many of us can relate to being reluctant Tarot readers.  

And if you’ve ever had that question on your mind about whether Tarot and Christianity can come together, or if they are really poles apart, Raven has certainly gone through that experience firsthand, so you’ll love to hear her perspective on how those two relate.  

In this podcast episode, you’ll learn: 

  • How a nun at a Catholic retreat introduced Raven to the Tarot 
  • The intersection – and separation – of Christianity and Tarot, religion and spirituality 
  • Why Raven feels like the reluctant Tarot reader – despite being a successful Tarot author and teacher 
  • The 3 keys that make Tarot readings simple and easy to do 

Additional Resources 

Check out Raven Mardirosian and Shivaya Wellness  

The Reluctant Tarot Reader  

Learn the Five Simple Steps to Read Tarot with Confidence 

BTP77: The Easiest Way to Interpret the Court Cards

One of the biggest trip-ups in Tarot readings is knowing how to deal with the court cards. Is the court card a person? Who is it? Is it you or someone else? If it's not a person, what else can it be? 

I cannot tell you how many people I talk to who are learning Tarot who say, "Brigit, I've got no idea with these court cards. Help me interpret them!" 
Today, I want to share with you one of the easiest ways you can interpret the court cards in your Tarot readings. It's really important to keep it simple, and I'm going to walk you through it, plus a few other tidbits along the way to help make it nice and comfy for you when you see a court card in your next Tarot reading.  

In this episode, we'll cover: 

  • Keeping it simple with the court cards 
  • Asking better questions to get more clear answers 
  • Understanding the energy of reversed court cards 
  • Getting to know  your court cards on a deeper and more personal level 

Now, of course if you are really digging getting into knowing the court cards, then make sure you check out my online training program “Master the Tarot Card Meanings.” In this program, I show you exactly how to build a personal and intuitive connection with the Tarot using simple yet powerful techniques for interpreting the Tarot cards. I’ll show you all of the must-know systems that sit behind the Tarot cards, and I also give you an amazing amount of different exercises that you can do to really embody the cards’ energy and bring the Tarot to life so that when you go ahead and you do readings for yourself and for others, it’s as if the stories just lift up out of those cards, and you go way beyond just what you can read in a book.  

By the end of the “Master the Tarot Card Meanings” program, you're going to know how to build a deep and personal connection with the Tarot cards, plus you’ll know how to intuitively and confidently interpret the Tarot cards without ever having to memorise meanings or rely on your books. Ultimately, this program is designed to help you become more confident and intuitive as a Tarot reader, and use the Tarot to transform people’s lives and make a real difference.  

It’s a really special program, and you can check it out at Now, if the program is closed, make sure you jump on the wait list so that you’re the first to know when the program is open again.   

Additional Resources:

  • Free Workbook: 5 Simple Steps to Read with Confidence
  • Blog Post: The Easiest Way to Interpret the Court Cards

BTP76: The Science of Intuition with Mary Greer

Today, we’re diving into the Biddy Tarot Podcast archives to bring you the best and most popular podcast on Tarot. Today’s archive episode is our first interview. It was an interview I was very excited to do, and it’s with Tarot grandmaster Mary K. Greer. 

In this interview, Mary Greer talks a lot about the science of intuition, and specifically, we talk about: 

  • How intuition really works in a Tarot reading 
  • The difference between psychic and intuitive  
  • Why when we think that we’re being highly intuitive, we can sometimes be a little bit off track 

The response that we had after this podcast was huge, so I wanted to bring it out of the archives again and replay it for you so that you can get all of the benefits from this juicy conversation with Mary K. Greer. 

Additional Resources 

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot blog 

Learn the Five Simple Steps to Read Tarot with Confidence 

Check out the Biddy Tarot blog

BTP75: How to Interpret Any Tarot Card in Any Reading

Have you ever done a Tarot reading where you were completely thrown by a Tarot card? 

Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Even I have done readings a professional where I felt completely stumped about what a card means for that particular reading.  

That’s why today I want to give you my top strategies for interpreting any Tarot card in any reading. 
In today's episode, you'll learn: 

  • Why reading from the heart instead of the book creates more powerful readings 
  • How - and why - to tell the story of the card  
  • See the Tarot cards as energy expressed in different ways 
  • How asking powerful questions leads to more impactful readings 

Now, if you want to go deeper and learn how to truly master the Tarot card meanings, then you’ll want to find out more about my Tarot training program. In my online Tarot course, Master the Tarot Card Meanings, I’m going to show you how to build a personal connection with the Tarot using simple yet powerful techniques for interpreting the Tarot cards.   

I’ll teach you all the must-know systems that sit behind the Tarot cards that make learning Tarot super easy, and we’ll walk through the 78 Tarot cards, so you can master each and every one of them once and for all. I’ll also show you how to connect in with the energy of the cards and translate them intuitively into any kind of Tarot reading that you do. It’s all about embodying Tarot and being fluid and flexible with what Tarot has to offer.  

By the end of the Master the Tarot Card Meanings program, you’re going to know how to build a deep and personal connection with the Tarot cards, and intuitively and confidently interpret the Tarot cards without ever having to memorise the meanings or consult your favourite Tarot book. Ultimately, you’ll be a more confident and intuitive Tarot reader using the Tarot to transform people’s lives and make a real difference.  

You can learn more about the program at The good news, if you're listening to this podcast episode as it comes out, the doors to the program are open right now. Make sure you check out the Master the Tarot Card Meanings program. It’s at It is really the #1 training program online for helping you to master the Tarot card meanings and create a beautiful, intuitive connection with the Tarot cards. 

Additional Resources:

  • Free Workbook: 5 Simple Steps to Read with Confidence
  • Blog Post & Podcast Transcript: How to Interpret Any Tarot Card in Any Reading

BTP74: Kitchen Table Tarot with Melissa Cynova

On today’s podcast, I chat with Melissa Cynova, author of Kitchen Table Tarot.  

When Melissa was 14, a kid in her class gave her a deck of tarot cards for unknown reasons. She's been reading ever since.

In addition to being a prolific tarot reader over at, she teaches classes at her kitchen table and at tarot conferences. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri. 

Her book, Kitchen Table Tarot, was published by Llewellyn and came out in early April.  

In this podcast episode, you’ll learn:  

  • All about Melissa’s book Kitchen Table Tarot
  • Melissa’s style of Tarot reading, which is accessible and real, and approaches it from where we are right now
  • How Melissa found her Tarot Tribe

Additional Resources 

Check out Melissa Cynova at Little Fox Tarot 

Purchase Melissa’s book, Kitchen Table Tarot 

Learn how to become an intuitive Tarot card reader with my signature program, Master the Tarot Card Meanings 

BTP73: Forget Memorising Meanings! How to Read Tarot From the Heart Not the Book

Reading Tarot from the book only gets you so far. When you read Tarot from the heart and trust your intuition, your readings will be deeper, more meaningful, and more fun.  

In this episode, here's what I'll cover: 

  • How to set your intention to read Tarot intuitively 
  • Putting the book down 
  • How to read the cards intuitively 
  • Interpreting the cards instead of memorising them 
  • Journaling with the cards for a more significant connection and understanding 

Want to take this further? 

I'm hosting a FREE training: How To Quickly Read Any Tarot Card Intuitively Without Memorising All 78 Cards.  
At this free workshop, you'll learn: 

  • Why you don't need to memorise the Tarot cards to be a fantastic Tarot reader 
  • The simplest way to let your intuition interpret a Tarot card accurately and reliably 
  • Keys to master the Tarot card meanings quickly! 
  • How to stop doubting your interpretations and understand the story the Tarot cards are telling you – whether it's one card or a combination 

Register at

Additional Resources:

  • Free Workbook: 5 Simple Steps to Read with Confidence
  • Free Printable: Tarot Card Keywords At-A-Glance
  • Blog & Podcast Transcript: Read Tarot From The Heart, Not The Book

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