Bethel Church Sermon of the Week

Bethel Church Redding

Podcast Overview

The Bethel Church podcast reflecting the Sermon of the Week download from

Podcast Episodes

Following Jesus

What does it look like to truly follow Jesus? True discipleship is the call to greatness by being the servant of all. Pastor Eric Johnson weaves different stories from the epistle of Matthew to exhort us to change the world, trusting our character will change as we follow hard after Him.

What Is Most Important

When you see Jesus face to face in eternity, Jesus desires to richly reward you. What will He say of you ? Bill Johnson gives a “tune up” message, calling us to seek first the things of God, trusting that Our Good Father will add all things in His perfect time. This message will exhort you to set your mind on things above, take our disappointment, loss, and sacrifice, and trust Our Perfect Father will greatly reward every sacrifice.

Walk and Pray

How do we disciple nations? We simply start by praying for our cities. Pastor Bill exhorts us to fully step into the power of praise and prayer with the purpose to transform cities. This message will fully encourage you to step into our authority and calling to use our prayer to disciple cities.

Good Father

If you could fix any problem in the world today what would it be? Pastor Eric answered this question with, Fatherlesless. On Fathers Day 2017, Pastor Eric genuinely unpacks keys to becoming such a good son that you are the best dad.

A Presence Culture

What are the pillars of our faith? Pastor Bill outlines four main points: The goodness of God is the cornerstone of all theology. Nothing is impossible. Everything was purchased at calvary. Every person is significant. This message will both convict and challenge you to dream big, being anchored in the foundations of your faith.

Pentecost Sunday

Kathryn Kuhlman once said, All God is looking for is an emptied (surrendered) vessel. How do we allow Holy Spirit to take full possession of us? Pastor Eric Johnson celebrates Pentecost Sunday and breaks down scriptures to describe who the Person of the Holy Spirit is. This teaching is an invitation to surrender everything and allow the Holy Spirit to fully fill us!

Becoming an Apostolic People

How do we transform our world? Kris Vallotton defines and details four attributes of apostolic people to empower us to transform our cities, nations and world. This message calls us to change your world by being an apostolic people who bring the goodness of God into every situation.

Faith To Heal The Sick

How do we pray for the sick? Every single person who came to Jesus was healed, but Jesus prayed for each person in a personalized and customized way. Pastor Bill masterfully tells story after story from the gospels of miracles to explore all the many way Jesus heals. This teaching will inspire an army to arise to walk in the fullness of healing, signs and wonders.

God's Masterpiece

When you get to the end of your life, will you have done everything to discover who you are in Christ and who He is in you? In this special Mother’s Day message, Pastor Eric unpacks Ephesians 2 to encourage us to find ourselves. Eric exhorts us to express all that God made us to be, as His workmanship on earth.

Kingdom Abundance 3 - Discipling Nations

How can we disciple nations if we do not understand kingdom abundance? In the third and final week in a series on kingdom abundance, Pastor Bill discusses the power of generosity, being content in all circumstances, carrying the spirit of excellence and investing to increase. This message will help you step into greater financial blessing and personal breakthrough to shape the course of history!

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