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Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon

Henry Fielding

Book Overview: 

Sailing voyage from England to Portugal in the mid Eighteenth Century, by one of the premier humorists, satirists, novelists and playwrights of his age. It was to be his last work, as his failing health proved unable to persevere much longer after the voyage.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . manner, as it was, in my opinion, very much to be apprehended it would, I should be delivered up to the attacks of winter before I recruited my forces, so as to be anywise able to withstand them.

I now began to recall an intention, which from the first dawnings of my recovery I had conceived, of removing to a warmer climate; and, finding this to be approved of by a very eminent physician, I resolved to put it into immediate execution. Aix in Provence was the place first thought on; but the difficulties of getting thither were insuperable. The Journey by land, beside the expense of it, was infinitely too long and fatiguing; and I could hear of no ship that was likely to set out from London, within any reasonable time, for Marseilles, or any other port in that part of the Mediterranean.

Lisbon was presently fixed on in its room. The air here, as it was near four degrees to the south of Aix, must be more mild and warm, and the winter shorter and less . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Kind of like Brysons neither here nor there but more old timey and less moving

Found it hard going due to both the language and scanning errors

The perfect antidote to cure those who romanticize sea travel in previous ages. The extremely ill Fielding (suffering of "dropsy" and a range of overlapping ailments) endures several weeks on a vessel bound for Lisbon, where the exhausted magistrate hopes the warmer climate (his is no longer a "Bath

Doesn’t have much to say about Lisbon before the 1755 earthquake, this is mostly about the port towns of southern England one can get stuck in when “the wind is in your teeth.” I love the writing style, such long sentences, with drool humor, and diversions within sentences, supported by, so, many, c

A very ill British writer Henry Fielding (Tom Jones), decides to leave England when his health deteriorates. He books passage on a ship, floating on the Thames River, headed to Lisbon, Portugal. His physicians agree that the warmer climate might help, in reality no hope. Fielding takes his wife, dau