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History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy

Niccolò Machiavelli

Book Overview: 

History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy is an historical account by Niccolò Machiavelli. Toward the end of 1520, the Cardinal Giulio of Medici, later Pope Clement VII, offered Machiavelli the appointment to write a history of Florence. Although Machiavelli was reluctant to accept, accepting was his only way to regain the good graces of the Medici who had regained power and were in a position to offer him employment and protection. Doing the history also provided a way for Machiavelli’s views to become the “official” history of Florentine and Italian affairs. Once completed, the work was presented officially to Giulio, now Pope, in May of 1526.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Corso, thus finding himself surrounded by his foes, no longer retaining any hope of assistance from Uguccione, and without a chance of victory, thought only of effecting his personal safety, and with Gherardo Bordoni, and some of his bravest and most trusted friends, fought a passage through the thickest of their enemies, and effected their escape from the city by the Gate of the Cross. They were, however, pursued by vast numbers, and Gherardo was slain upon the bridge of Affrico by Boccaccio Cavicciulli. Corso was overtaken and made prisoner by a party of Catalan horse, in the service of the Signory, at Rovezzano. But when approaching Florence, that he might avoid being seen and torn to pieces by his victorious enemies, he allowed himself to fall from horseback, and being down, one of those who conducted him cut his throat. The body was found by the monks of San Salvi, and buried without any ceremony due to his rank. Such was the end of Corso, to whom his country and the. . . Read More

Community Reviews

The 'Istorie Fiorentine' Is A Somber, Dispassionate Chronicle Of Renaissance Italy's Violent Past.

During the later portion of his life Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was living as an exile, cut off from his native Florence after the vengeful return of the Medici family in the year 1512 heralded

Ο Νικολό Μακιαβέλι, δημιουργός του Ηγεμόνα, κατά παραγγελία του Πάπα (Φλωρεντινού και Μεδίκου) συνέγραψε την ιστορία της Φλωρεντίας καθώς και των υπολοίπων ιταλικών κρατών από την κατάρρευση της δυτικής ρωμαικής αυτοκρατορίας μέχρι το τέλος του 15ου αιώνα και την εισβολή των Γάλλων. Συγχαρητήρια στι

Το πιο παραμελημένο και παραγνωρισμένο έργο του διάσημου Φλωρεντινού συγγραφέα του 16ου αιώνα, Νικολό Μακιαβέλι με τίτλο «Φλωρεντινές ιστορίες» έρχονται να συστήσουν στο ελληνικό αναγνωστικό κοινό οι εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια και ο μεταφραστής Θεοδόσης Νικολαΐδης.

Ο Μακιαβέλλι έμεινε γνωστός για το έργο τ

Detta är en kortfattad sammanfattning av Florens historia från Rom till Machiavellis egna dagar. Den blir mer och mer detaljerad ju närmare den tänkta nutiden den kommer. Boken är alls inte dålig, men den är rik på fakta och insinuation, och fattig på sammanhangsyn och exempel. Jag menar att den int

NOTA PREVIA: Leí esta obra por haber cursado la materia no-obligatoria de «Maquiavelo (autor)». Como breve reseña de la misma, anexo el reporte de lectura que le dediqué:


El propósito de Maquiavelo al hacer una historia de Florencia parece ser, al contrario de otros escritores, no un recuento de l

Don't get me wrong, I am and remain a giant fan of Machiavelli and anyone who is responsible for working with, managing or being managed by other people would do well to read both him and Mancur Olson's "Logic of Collective Action." That said, if you are going to read Machiavelli, read "The Prince"

This less-famous work of Machiavelli depicts a medieval Florence, a city garnished with both classical vestiges and Renaissance innovations, a city identified with arts and wealth, a city known for a family -- the Medici family. While the book covered the history of Florence from its very Roman begi

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