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An Antarctic Mystery

Jules Verne

Book Overview: 

An Antarctic Mystery is a two-volume novel by Jules Verne. It follows the adventures of the narrator and his journey from the Kerguelen Islands aboard Halbrane.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .redoubled volume, and the temperature of the water rose so high that the hand could no longer bear it. The immense curtain of vapour, spread over the distant perimeter of the southern horizon resembled a boundless cataract falling noiselessly from the height of some huge rampart lost in the height of the heavens.

Twelve days later, it was darkness that hung over these waters, darkness furrowed by luminous streaks darting from the milky depths of the Antarctic Ocean, while the incessant shower of ash-dust fell and melted in its waters.

The boat approached the cataract with an impetuous velocity whose cause is not explained in the narrative of Arthur Pym. In the midst of this frightful darkness a flock of gigantic birds, of livid white plumage, swept by, uttering their eternal tékéli-li, and then the savage, in the supreme throes of terror, gave up the ghost.

Suddenly, in a mad whirl of speed, the boat rushed into the grasp of the cataract, where a vast gu. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I finished Jules Verne's Le Sphinx de Glaces. Verne wrote his book as a follow-up/continuation of Edgar Allan Poe's novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket.

Reading Verne's methodical sequel after Poe's meandering novel had me picturing...

Poe created a sense of creeping dread in his me

"Zagonetka ledenog mora" - Žil Vern
Izdanje : Tehnička knjiga, 1955.g.

Žil Vern ovu ledenu avanturu posvećuje uspomeni na E.A.Poa, čije je delo "Doživljaji Artura Gordona Pima" Vernu poslužilo kao svojevrsna inspiracija.
Roman prati pustolovine gospodina Džorlinga, svetskog putnika, i posade broda "H

Yet another science-fiction novel by Jules Verne that I had read this year. And what can I say that I really enjoy his books. You feel, like Jules Verne is real scientist and a great traveler.. Was surprised by his knowledge of sailing (I’m also in to sailing, and all this terms, that he uses, like

This is the first Jules Verne novel I have read and I enjoyed it. The reason I read this book is because it is the "sequel" to Edgar A Poe's "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym". If you have read that novel, you realize that Poe left off rather abruptly and did not finish his narrative. I'm not sure

"دیگر مردم پاریس مرا نخواهند دید,زندگی ژول ورن برای انان سرسام اور است,دیگر دارای ان نشاط و سرمستی نیستم,کارهای من تمام شده و ضربه های گلوله که به من اصابت کرده مرا زنده نخواهد گذاشت" 1892-ژول ورن..
ژول ورن زندگی شگفت انگیزی از سرگذراند,تخیل ژول ورن چون پیامبری فرستاده شده از آینده,با الهاماتش ذهن خا

An Antarctic Mystery by Jules Verne is basically a sort of sequel of and a love letter to Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. The reason for Verne writing a sequel to the Poe story is because the original story had an open ending. And Verne wanted to give the adventure

This is an unofficial sequel to Edgar Allan Poe's only novel, 1838's "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket". Jules Verne the real inventor of sci-fi was a great admirer of the American writer. Mr. Jeorling is an geological researcher (mineralogist), and believes that book was factual! A l

Belki biraz garip, bu hayatım boyunca okuduğum ikinci Jules Verne kitabıydı (İlki İskoçya Seyahati). Klasiklerin için herkesin okudum deyip kimsenin okumadığı kitaplar oldukları sıkça söylenir. Ya da Calvino’nun deyişiyle kimsenin okuyorum demeyip tekrar okuyorum dediği kitaplar okudukları. Dünya üz

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