Zen Parenting Radio

Todd and Cathy Adams

Podcast Overview

Podcast Episodes

How To See Pain Differently- Podcast #385

Cathy and Todd discuss how to embrace a challenging past by accepting it as a given rather than viewing it as a “gift” (which can sometimes feel inauthentic). This concept is taken from Sharon Salzberg’s book, Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection, and it allows us to acknowledge our experience and move forward as a force for good. They also discuss how kids can be sensitive to clothing and why it’s important to find ways to keep them comfortable. They share why joy+sadness are a team, why trying to defend our emotional state can cause conflict, and explain why The Soupdragons I’m Free is Todd’s empowerment song.

Think Differently About Fear Podcast #384

Cathy and Todd share a quote from Gutsy Girl author Caroline Paul about how we can use “micro-bravery” to handle our fear. They discuss why bravery can mean different things to men and women, and why it’s hard to differentiate between fear, excitement, and other strong feelings. They talk about ball players who get the “yips”, the movie Get Out, and explain why The Babadook represents repressed grief and anger.

Discussing Equality Is Difficult….And Necessary- Podcast #383

Todd and Cathy discuss gender inequality and why Todd gets frustrated talking to men about this issue. They discuss why it’s difficult to understand inequality, how we can be better listeners, and why the impact can negatively affect women and men. They reference an article from the New York Times titled Talking to Boys the Way We Talk to Girls by Andrew Reiner and discuss how we can make changes in our own home that will impact the world. They answer a listener question about a challenging four-year-old, talk about their vacation and the Backstreet Boys, and share some movie clips.

Simple Ways to Have a More Joyful Home- Podcast #382

Cathy and Todd discuss Mary Oliver’s poem Wild Geese, specifically this line – you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. They discuss that the things we love may not be cool or trendy, but sometimes embracing this uncoolness is the first step toward creating a more joyful home. They discuss Hamilton, the Backstreet Boys, and the most important scene from Revenge of the Nerds.

Money & Happiness- Podcast #381

Todd and Cathy discuss how money contributes to happiness and how our relationship with money affects our feelings of success. They reference an episode of The Good Life Project called The Truth About Money and Happiness and discuss documentaries such as Happy, Born Rich, and the 1%. They also discuss how to talk with our girls about body image and why it’s important to find a new and true definition of beauty.

Lessons From My Dad- Podcast #380

Cathy’s dad recently passed away so Cathy and Todd share how he lived and what he taught them. Most importantly why culture literacy leads to a bigger heart and mind, why willingness is the key to a deep and meaningful life, and why we are all simply “walking each other home”.

Who’s Busier? Podcast #379

Cathy and Todd discuss how to approach who’s busier in a partnership, and how to talk to a friend who thinks she’s busier than you. They discuss why “turning toward” is the key to a long-lasting marriage, and share some tips from author and relationship expert Esther Perel.

Listen To This One With Your Partner- Podcast #378

Todd and Cathy discuss why “figuring out” our partner will cause frustration, but why staying present with every new experience will create intimacy. They use a post from fellow coach Jayson Gaddis They discuss why it’s important to ride the waves with your partner rather than trying to control their emotional expression, and why unpredictability can be just as connecting as predictability. They share a recent miscommunication, explain why labeling family members is detrimental, and practice saying toy boat really fast without messing up.

Free Your Mind- Podcast #377

Cathy and Todd discuss why freeing ourselves from needing to be right can shift the dynamics of a conversation, and ultimately, a relationship. They share a clip of Glenn Beck from the On Being Podcast where he explains why using fear divides, and why it’s time to come together and listen. They also share an interview from Tim Ferriss’ podcast about why treating all people with dignity is essential, and why we want all people to be just like us. This episode will free your mind (and as En Vogue says), and the rest will follow…

Portraying Girls Beyond Stereotypes- A Discussion With Jodi Bondi Norgaard- Podcast #376

Cathy and Todd talk with Jodi Bondi Norgaard, founder of Dream Big Toy Company and the creator of the award-winning Go! Go! Sports Girls line of dolls and books for girls encouraging healthy and active play over fashion and body image. Jodi is a keynote speaker, entrepreneur, activist, consultant, and founding member of The Brave Girl Alliance, a think tank of girl empowerment experts.

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