Test and Code

Brian Okken

Podcast Overview

How did you become a software developer/tester/engineer/lead, etc?
Odds are we all are missing some important information to do our jobs most effectively.
This podcast is an attempt to fill those education gaps.
I focus on testing and process questions like “How do I know it works?”, “How do I effectively test?”, and the like.
But really, anything in the software development realm is fair game.

Podcast Episodes

29: Kobiton & QASymphony - Josh Lieberman

Kobiton is a service to test mobile apps on real devices. QASymphony offers software testing and QA tools. Special Guest: Josh Lieberman.

28: Chaos Engineering & Experimentation at Netflix - Casey Rosenthal

Today we have an interview with Casey Rosenthal of Netflix. One of the people making sure Netflix runs smoothly is Casey Rosenthall. He is the manager for the Traffic, Intuition, and Chaos teams at Netflix. He's got a great perspective on quality and large systems. We talk about Chaos Engineering Experimentation vs Testing Testing Strategy Visualization of large amounts of data representing Steady State Special Guest: Casey Rosenthal.

27: Mahmoud Hashemi : unit, integration, and system testing

What is the difference between a unit test, an integration test, and a system test? Mahmoud Hashemi helps me to define these terms, as well as discuss the role of all testing variants in software development. What is the difference between a unit test, an integration test, and a system test? TDD testing pyramid vs testing column the role of testing in software development web frameworks listen to wikipedia hatnote the world’s largest photo competition Enterprise Software with Python Links: Mahmoud on twitter: @mhashemi ( Mahmoud on sedimental ( hatnote ( listen to wikipedia ( Montage (, the web platform used to help judge the world’s largest photo competition clastic ( 10 Myths of Enterprise Python ( Enterprise Software with Python ( course Enterprise Software with Python ( blog post. Special Guest: Mahmoud Hashemi.

26: pyresttest – Sam Van Oort

Interview with Sam Van Oort about pyresttest (, "A REST testing and API microbenchmarking tool" pyresttest A question in the Test & Code Slack channel ( was raised about testing REST APIs. There were answers such as pytest + requests, of course, but there was also a mention of pyresttest, (, which I hadn't heard of. I checked out the github repo, and was struck by how user friendly the user facing test definitions were. So I contacted the developer, Sam Van Oort, and asked him to come on the show and tell me about this tool and why he developed it. Here's the "What is it?" section from the pyresttest README: A REST testing and API microbenchmarking tool Tests are defined in basic YAML or JSON config files, no code needed Minimal dependencies (pycurl, pyyaml, optionally future), making it easy to deploy on-server for smoketests/healthchecks Supports generate/extract/validate mechanisms to create full test scenarios Returns exit codes on failure, to slot into automated configuration management/orchestration tools (also supplies parseable logs) Logic is written and extensible in Python Support Special thanks to my wonderful Patreon supporters ( and those who have supported the show by purchasing Python Testing with unittest, nose, pytest (

25: Selenium, pytest, Mozilla – Dave Hunt

Interview with Dave Hunt @davehunt82 ( We Cover: Selenium Driver ( pytest ( pytest plugins: pytest-selenium ( pytest-html ( pytest-variables ( tox ( Dave Hunt’s “help wanted” list on github ( Mozilla ( Also: fixtures xfail CI and xfail and html reports CI and capturing pytest code sprint working remotely for Mozilla

24: pytest with Raphael Pierzina

pytest is an extremely popular test framework used by many projects and companies. In this episode, I interview Raphael Pierzina (@hackebrot (, a core contributor to both pytest and cookiecutter. We discuss how Raphael got involved with both projects, his involvement in cookiecutter, pytest, "adopt pytest month", the pytest code sprint, and of course some of the cool new features in pytest 3. Links: Raphael Pierzina on twitter (@hackebrot ( pytest - ( cookie cutter - ( cookiecutter-pytest-plugin - (

23: Lessons about testing and TDD from Kent Beck

Kent Beck's twitter profile says "Programmer, author, father, husband, goat farmer". But I know him best from his work on extreme programming, test first programming, and test driven development. He's the one. The reason you know about TDD is because of Kent Beck. I first ran across writings from Kent Beck as started exploring Extreme Programming in the early 2000's. Although I don't agree with all of the views he's expressed in his long and verbose career, I respect him as one of the best sources of information about software development, engineering practices, and software testing. Along with Test First Programming and Test Driven Development, Kent started an automated test framework that turned into jUnit. jUnit and it's model of setup and teardown wrapping test functions, as well base test class driven test frameworks became what we know of as xUnit style frameworks now, which includes Python's unittest. He discussed this history and a lot more on episode 122 of Software Engineering Radio. The episode is titled "The History of JUnit and the Future of Testing with Kent Beck", and is from Sept 26, 2010. I urge you to download it and listen to the whole thing. It's a great interview, still relevant, and applicable to testing in any language, including Python. What I've done in this podcast is take a handful of clips from the interview (with permission from IEEE and SERadio), and discuss the clips and my opinions a bit. The lessons are: You're tests should tell a story. Be careful of DRY, inheritance, and other software development practices that might get in the way of keeping your tests easy to understand. All test should help differentiate good programs from bad programs and not be redundant. Test at multiple levels and multiple scales where it makes sense. Differentiating between TDD, BDD, ATDD, etc. isn't as important as testing your software to learn about it. Who cares what you call it.

22: Converting Manual Tests to Automated Tests

How do you convert manual tests to automated tests? This episode looks at the differences between manual and automated tests and presents two strategies for converting manual to automated.

21: Terminology: test fixtures, subcutaneous testing, end to end testing, system testing

A listener requested that I start covering some terminology. I think it's a great idea. Covered in this episode: Test Fixtures Subcutaneous Testing End to End Testing (System Testing) I also discuss: A book rewrite Progress on transcripts A story from the slack channel

20: Talk Python To Me host Michael Kennedy

I talk with Michael about: Episodes of his show having to do with testing. His transition from employee to podcast host and online training entrepreneur. His Python training courses. The Pyramid Web framework. Courses by Michael Explore Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Explore Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Python for Entrepreneurs Testing related podcast Episodes from Talk Python To Me: episode 10: Harry Percival, TDD for the Web in Python, and PythonAnywhere PythonAnywhere Harry's book, TDD with Python episode 45: Brian Okken, Pragmatic testing and the Testing Column Talk Python To Me podcast episode 63: Austin Bingham, Mutation Testing, Cosmic Ray Cosmic Ray episode 67: David MacIver, Hypothesis Hypothesis

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