Pregnancy Confidential

Parents / Panoply

Podcast Overview

Pregnancy Confidential is a series of 32 podcasts designed to be accessed weekly by expectant moms. Hosted by editors from Parents and Fit Pregnancy and Baby magazines, each 10-20 minute podcast walks listeners through the physical, emotional and/or lifestyle markers of that week of pregnancy. The tone is friendly, fun, and conversational—you can read the medical information about pregnancy elsewhere. This podcast will be your best friend taking you through the real feelings—the joy and the annoyances—of pregnancy so you never have to experience any of it alone. This is real talk/girlfriend-to-girlfriend stuff you might not get elsewhere.

Podcast Episodes

Ep 1: Week 9 - OMG: I’m pregnant!

In this episode we’ll cover all you need to know about Week 9 of pregnancy. We’re calling it the “Wait, I’m pregnant? I’m pregnant! Ohmigod I’m pregnant” period. This is the week when, whether you’ve known you’re expecting since before you missed your period (thank you, First Response!), or just figured it out and are still in shock, it’s beginning to feel REAL, people.

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Ep 2: Week 10 - Getting Ready for the Big Reveal

At 10 weeks, you’ve finally come to terms with your pregnancy. Now it’s time to start thinking about spreading the word to your friends and family, if you haven’t already (hands up if you Instagrammed your positive pregnancy test). Most people start sharing the big news around 12 weeks, but with a status update just a finger tap away, folks are starting to post their reveals even sooner. Whether you choose to speak out now or later, the trend seems to be to go big, bold and creative with your pregnancy reveal.

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Ep 3: Week 11 - Pregnancy - The Ultimate Relationship Test?

At 11 weeks, you and your partner are still fairly new to this whole pregnancy thing. And it can take some adjusting. (You won’t be the only one with major mood swings over these next few months.) If you’re in a relationship, you might be wondering how having a baby will impact your partnership: Will it make it stronger? Will it be a test of your commitment? The truth is, probably both. A strong, healthy relationship will be more important than ever once a new human being comes along, but it certainly won’t always come easy.

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Ep 4: Week 12 - Hi, boss. I’m pregnant!

It’s Week 12 and you’ve made it to the last week of your first trimester. Congrats! It’s an exciting milestone because it means your miscarriage risk drops significantly, your troublesome first trimester symptoms should start to subside, and you can start to breathe easier in this pregnancy—it’s also around when a lot of people start thinking about telling the world. But before you blast the news on Facebook, you’ll want to tell your boss, so they aren’t the last to find out after Dave in accounting. This week’s episode covers everything you need to know about being pregnant at work.

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Ep 5: Week 13 - Who Says We Can’t Eat for Two?

It’s Week 13 and, for many of you, the fog of the first trimester is finally lifting: You’re probably starting to feel like your old self again, minus the constant nausea and irksome food aversions. But out with the old and in with the new: With the start of the second trimester often comes extreme hunger. It sometimes feels like your body is making up for everything it missed out on in the last three months and wants to eat all food in its path. Good thing you’re eating for two... But are you, really?

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Ep 6: Week 14 - The TMI Episode

At Week 14 you’re truly in your second trimester—and with it comes a slew of body changes that you’re probably starting to notice—from top to bottom. Yup, there’s a lot more to pregnancy than just growing a baby bump, even for those seemingly blessed with a “perfect” bump on a “perfect” body. There’s nary an inch of your body that goes untouched during these 9 months, not always for the worst (hello, big boobs and lustrous hair!). And sometimes for the worst (thanks but no thanks pregnancy acne). In today’s TMI episode, we focus on your changing pregnant body.

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Ep 7: Week 15 - I’m Not Fat, I’m Pregnant!

On this episode, we’ll cover all you need to know about Week 15 of pregnancy. We’re calling it the “I’m Not Fat, I’m Pregnant” period. I.e. the time when nothing fits right except old leggings and your stretchier tank tops, and whether or not you have a bump seems to depend on what you had for lunch that day.

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Ep 8: Week 16 - Home, Hospital or Birthing Center? You Decide.

Decisions, decisions: pregnancy can feel a little full of them at times. But at Week 16 you’re at the best part of your pregnancy, some say—the bit where the first trimester ickiness is in the rearview mirror and your barely-­there bump is far from holding you back. If you’re feeling full of energy and ready to organize the world, now might be a great time to consider your birthing options. While some may be dictated by your type of provider, it’s never too late to change your mind, or get educated on your choice of where you deliver.

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Ep 9: Week 17 - Picking a Baby Name You Don’t Hate

For Week 17, we address the big baby name question: How do you actually pick one—that doesn’t sound pretentious, works with your last name, doesn’t make your partner question your sanity or remind you of your nemesis in 4th grade? Yup, choosing a baby name is harder than it looks.

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Ep 10: Week 18 - Planning a gender reveal: Boy? Girl? Who cares?

Most parents find out their baby’s sex (if they choose to find out) during their mid­pregnancy ultrasound, usually around 18 to 20 weeks—that is if your technician can tell (sometimes it’s still not that easy). That makes now a great time to start planning your gender reveal—if you believe in such a thing. And if you have no idea what we’re talking about, you’re off the hook: It’s a fairly new trend that’s been picking up speed lately and, like a pregnancy reveal, there are about gazillion ways to do it.

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