PNAS Science Sessions

The National Academies

Podcast Overview

Listen to brief, 5-minute, nontechnical conversations with cutting-edge researchers, Academy members, and policy makers as they discuss topics relevant to today's scientific community. Learn the behind-the-scenes story of work published in PNAS, plus a broad range of scientific news about discoveries that affect the world around us.

Podcast Episodes

How Sherpas adapt to high altitudes

Andrew Murray describes metabolic adaptations of Himalayan Sherpas to low-pressure, low-oxygen conditions at high altitudes.

Interview with 2016 Cozzarelli Prize Winners Fernando Colchero, Roland Rau, and Susan Alberts

Fernando Colchero, Roland Rau, and Susan Alberts describe the relationship between lifespan equality and average lifespan.

Oyster Harvest

Rowan Lockwood discusses the sustainability of Native American oyster harvesting in the Chesapeake Bay.

Improving endoscopy for disease diagnosis

Pelham Keahey describes how differential structured illumination microendoscopy can improve cancer diagnosis.

Vision and transition to land

Malcolm MacIver describes how our aquatic ancestors may have become interested in land.

Self-driving cars

Jeff Schneider explains how self-driving cars use machine learning to learn the rules of the road.

Science for the general public

Steven Weinberg describes his experiences writing about science for a general audience.

Interview with 2017 Breakthrough Prize winner Steve Elledge

Steve Elledge discusses how cells sense and respond to damage to their DNA.

DNA folding by loop extrusion

Erez Lieberman Aiden discusses a model of how DNA folds to fit inside a cell nucleus.

Maize domestication in Mexico

Researchers Jean-Philippe Vielle-Calzada and Miguel Vallebueno discuss 5,000-year-old partially domesticated maize.

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