Parent Savers

New Mommy Media

Podcast Overview

Parent Savers is an audio podcast providing new parents with practical information to help preserve their sanity. Both moms and dads discuss common parenting concerns for their toddlers. With the help of our experts, parents get the superhero strength they need to tackle the world, and the next dirty diaper. The show is produced by New Mommy Media in San Diego, California.

Podcast Episodes

Newborn Screening Tests

Newborn screenings identify conditions that can impact your child's long-term health. Which tests are commonly offered and why? How and when are the tests done? And what are the odds your child's tests may come back abnormal? 

Childcare Options for Working Parents

The dreaded time has come when you have to find someone else to watch your child. With all the options out there, how do you determine what type of childcare is best for you and your baby? What factors should you consider? And what should you expect to pay?

Homeschooling Your Toddler

We all know education is an important part of growing up and finding your place in life. And as a parent, you have several choices on how your children receive that education, such as home schooling, which begins even when children are toddlers. How has homeschooling changed over the years? What resources are available to you? And what are some of the common misconceptions about the homeschooling process? 

Baby Skin Conditions: Common Skin Irritations

Your baby's skin is a unique and essential shield that offers protection from the outside world. As such, it's virtually inevitable that your child will eventually experience some sort of skin irritation. Today, we're continuing our series focused on baby skin conditions. What are the most common ailments new baby's encounter? How can you recognize them? And what are your treatment options? 

Water Safety: Lessons for Survival

Whether you're at the neighborhood pool, or enjoying a relaxing day at the beach, water safety is a must. Today we're exploring some tips on how to keep your children safe when around water. Plus, we'll learn more about a great app designed to reduce crime and protect families in your community.

Travel with Kids

Many parents wonder if it's possible to successfully travel with young children while preserving your sanity and the sanity of those around you. How can you get over the fear of traveling with kids? What should you pack to help ease this potentially bumpy ride? And what are some helpful travel tips to help you on your journey?

Baby Skin Conditions: Eczema

If your baby's silky, smooth skin develops red, dry, itchy patches- it could be eczema. What's really happening when your baby develops eczema? How early can symptoms appear? And what are your treatment options? 

Power Struggles with Your Children

Power struggles with your children are often common, but they can be stressful and negatively impact your relationship. What typically triggers power struggles in infants and toddlers? What are some strategies for defining and measuring good (and bad) behavior? And what common mistakes are most parents making that actually make the situation worse?

Debunking "Only Child" Myths

The number of families having only one child has doubled since the baby boomer generation. So, why are more and more families planning to have only one child? What are some of the benefits and trade-offs of siblings? Is only "lonely"? 

Sunscreen Safety for Kids

Summertime leads to lots of fun outdoors in the hot, summer sun. How do we protect the delicate skin of our little ones? How old does your child have to be to use sunscreen? What is SPF and what numbers really work best? Plus, are there eco-friendly alternatives that are better for your baby and the environment?

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