Manager Tools Basics

Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman

Podcast Overview

Manager Tools is a weekly business podcast focused on helping business professionals become more effective managers and leaders. Each week, the hosts discuss new tools and easy techniques to help business professionals achieve their desired management and career objectives. Manager Tools Basics are the 23 core curriculum casts we recommend to professionals wanting to improve as managers. They cover the 4 parts of the Manager Tools Trinity: Know Your People with One on Ones, Talk About Performance with Feedback, Ask For More with Coaching, Push Work Down with Delegation. Start here before progressing on to the 500+ casts of all of Manager Tools.
Manager Tools won Best Business Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012 as well as the People's Choice Award in 2008. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Manager Tools has had on their careers and lives.

Podcast Episodes

Rolling Out the Manager Tools’ Trinity - Part 4

This cast includes Part 4 of our discussion on how to implement the Manager Tools’ Management Trinity (One on Ones, Feedback, Coaching).

Rolling Out the Manager Tools’ Trinity - Part 3

This cast includes Part 3 of our discussion on how to implement the Manager Tools’ Management Trinity (One on Ones, Feedback, Coaching).

Rolling Out the Manager Tools’ Trinity - Part 2

This cast includes Part 2 of our discussion on how to implement the Manager Tools’ Management Trinity (One on Ones, Feedback, Coaching - and Delegation!).

Rolling Out the Manager Tools’ Trinity - Part 1

This cast describes how to gradually implement Manager Tools’ Management Trinity (One on Ones, Feedback, Coaching - and Delegation!). We’ve been asked a thousand questions about what to do and when to do it when it comes to the Management Trinity, and we’ve finally gotten frustrated enough to do something about it. We assumed that [...]

Effective Meetings - There’s More!

Today we wrap-up our conversation on effective meetings, as well as answer some listener questions on meetings, one-on-ones, and feedback.

Effective Meetings - Part Two

Today we cover the second in our series on effective meetings.

Effective Meetings - Get Out of Jail!

How to do you feel about most of the meetings you attend? Are they productive, or generally considered a waste of time? Do you attend too many meetings? How do others value the meetings *you* run? If you are like most managers we know, your experience in running and participating in meetings is less than ideal.

The Juggling Koan

Mark recently blogged with our first ever management koan, "What Would An Effective Manager Do?" In this cast, we share the answer.

The Art of Delegation - Part 2 (Updated)

Today, Mark and I discuss the topic of Delegation. There probably isn't a management book out there that doesn't talk about the importance of delegation. However, very seldom does the author get into the type of detail we'll discuss today. Today, we cover the "how to" ... how to determine what and to whom to delegate and specifically what specific steps to take when delegating to an individual.

The Art of Delegation - Part 1 (Updated)

Today, Mark and I discuss the topic of Delegation. There probably isn't a management book out there that doesn't talk about the importance of delegation. However, very seldom does the author get into the type of detail we'll discuss today. Today, we cover the "how to" ... how to determine what and to whom to delegate and specifically what specific steps to take when delegating to an individual.

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