Lost Origins

Lost Origins

Podcast Overview

Lost Origins explores all things ancient mystery, alternative historical theory, extraterrestrial phenomena, and lost civilizations. Every week, Andrew chats with experts, researchers, and authors on esoteric history and mind bending mysteries.

Podcast Episodes

Scott Wolter - The Hooked X and the Secret History of America

This week Andrew is joined by none other than forensic geologist, researcher, and author, Scott Wolter. Scott is the host of History’s H2 channel’s hit show American Unearthed, which follows him on his quest to uncover the truth behind historic artifacts and sites found throughout North America. Scott is also the author of several books, including The Kensington Rune Stone: Compelling New Evidence and The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America. Scott has been president of American Petrographic Services, Inc., since 1990 and has been the principle petrographer in more than 7,000 investigations throughout the world. Today we will be discussing his working surrounding the Kensington Ruinstone, the Hooked X, and what this means for the secret history of America

Joseph White - Evidence of The Pyramids in Antarctica

Was Antartica the epicenter of an ancient and unknown civilization? Are there pyramids lurking below the thick blanket of ice that has silenced the frozen continent for thousands of years? This week Andrew seeks to answer these questions by chatting with satellite image expert, Joseph White. Joseph was one of the first to discover the structures in Antarctica that sent the internet into a frenzy regarding the pyramids of Antarctica. This week Andrew and Joseph will be discussing these discoveries, his research surrounding the pyramids of Antarctica, and what these discoveries possibly mean for the history of mankind.  

Christopher Dunn - Were the Pyramids of Giza Built as Power Plants?

This week, Andrew talks with author and researcher, Christopher Dunn about his work surrounding the Great Pyramids of Giza and their true purpose. Christopher Dunn is a manufacturing engineer with 50 years of experience. He has worked primarily in aerospace with an emphasis on precision and laser application. He has published dozens of articles on his theories about ancient technology and is the author of The Giza Power Plant and Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt. This week Andrew and Christopher will be discussing his theories surrounding the Giza pyramids, the incredible technologies of ancient Egypt, and Egypt's connection to Nikoli Tesla.

Janet Wolter & Alan Butler - The Secret History of America

This week's episode of Lost Origins is a fascinating change of pace. Not only are we exploring the true history of America, we are doing so with both Janet Wolter and Alan Butler. These two have come together to author America Nation of the Goddess - a whirlwind tour de force that seeks to provide readers with answers about the history of the United States. On their website, an attention-grabbing quote reads ”the history of humanity and our world was far from what orthodox historians could ever or would ever admit.” Today Andrew, Janet, and Alan will be discussing their book, America Nation of the Goddess, the importance of the term Grange, the Freemason influence, the Venus families, and their recent discovery.

Graham Phillips - Locating The Lost Tomb of King Arthur

This week, Andrew chats with author and researcher, Graham Phillips. Graham has been described as a historical detective, a modern-day adventurer, and a real-life Indiana Jones and he is the author of The End of Eden, The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant,Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt,The Chalice of Magdalene,The Moses Legacy, and most recently The Lost Tomb of King Arthur. We will be discussing his research surrounding this famous monarch, who King Arthur really was, and where his tomb lies. 

Ahmed Osman - Discovering the Lost City of the Biblical Exodus

This week Andrew chats with none other than author and Egyptologist, Ahmed Osman. Ahmed is a recognized authority on ancient Egypt and he has authored several books on the subject, including Breaking the Mirror of Heaven, Jesus and the House of the Pharaohs, The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt, and The Lost City of the Exodus. Osman has presented theories that link Moses to Akhenaten and that have pinpointed the location of the city from which the Jews made their Biblical exodus. Today we will be discussing his research surrounding the lost city of exodus, his encounter with Zahi Hawass, and the implications this discovery has for mankind.

Rand Flem-Ath - Is Atlantis Frozen Beneath the Ice of Antarctica?

This week Andrew is joined by author and researcher, Rand Flem-Ath. Rand is a recognized authority on Atlantis and comes to us from Vancouver Island. He has authored several captivating books, including Killing Moses, The Atlantis Blueprint, and most recently, Atlantis Beneath the Ice. Rand’s work has expanded upon the Earth Crust Displacement Theory as presented by Charles Hapgood and today, Rand and Andrew discuss Earth Crust Displacement, global catastrophe, as well as Rand's theory as to Atlantis having actually been Antarctica. 

Robert Bauval - The Hall of Records and Controversy in Egypt

This week, Andrew chats with internationally known author and researcher, Robert Bauval. Born in Egypt in 1948, Bauval is best known for his theory that proposed that the layout of the three Giza Pyramids and their relative position to the Nile was intended to mirror the layout of the three stars in Orion's belt and their relative position to the Milky Way. This thesis, now known as the Orion Correlation Theory, became the subject of his first book, The Orion Mystery. He has authored droves of additional books including Breaking the Mirror of Heaven, Black Genesis, The Vatican Heresy, as well as Secret Chamber Revisited. Andrew and Robert his book Secret Chamber Revisited, The Zahi Hawass controversy, the hall of records, and much more.

Carl Lehrburger - Old World Contact in the New World & Ancient Petroglyph Sites

This week on Lost Origins, we welcome back our good friend, Carl Lehrburger. Carl is a recognized authority on petroglyph and rock art. His latest book, Secrets of Ancient America, has created an incredible buzz, as it outlines a multitude of examples of Old World peoples having been in the Americas thousands of years before Christopher Columbus. Today, Andrew and Carl will discuss the Celts and their travels through North America, the similarities found in Old World and New World symbolism, ancient transoceanic travel, and the ancient site of Mohave North. 

William F. Mann - The Knights Templar in North America and the Holy Grail

This week Andrew is joined by author, researcher, and descendant of the Templars, William F. Mann. William is a recognized authority on the Knights Templar has authored several books including The Templar Meridians, The Knights Templar in the New World, as well as his upcoming release Templar Sanctuaries in North America. Today we will be discussing the Knights Templar in America, the holy grail, the secret mapping of the new world, a great treasure about to be discovered and its influence on mankind.

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