KCRW's Left, Right & Center

KCRW, Josh Barro, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Rich Lowry

Podcast Overview

Provocative, up-to-the-minute, alive and witty, KCRW's weekly confrontation over politics, policy and popular culture proves those with impeccable credentials needn't lack personality. This weekly "love-hate relationship of the air" features three of the most insightful news analysts anywhere.
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Podcast Episodes

It looks like Donald Trump Jr TRIED to collude with the Russians

Is it still just smoke? Or is there a fire?

Presidents Trump and Putin meet privately

Vladimir Putin denied Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Supreme Court closes the term allowing partial travel ban

Newest SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch makes himself known.

Health bill a secret no more

Is it still too mean for Trump?

Can there be a moment of bipartisan comity in Washington?

If Washington isn't a swamp, can it be drained? 

Proof of obstruction or vindication?

Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before Congress.

President Trump: US to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord

Trump says he was elected to serve Pittsburgh, not Paris.

How was the trip?

President Trump's travels got less fun as he went from the Middle East to Europe.

The week that wouldn't quit

Will next week get even weirder? (Special one-hour episode)

James Comey is fired. Was it sabotage?

The White House said James Comey's firing wasn't about the Russia investigation, but Trump kind of said it was. 

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