The Jason Stapleton Program

The Jason Stapleton Program - A voice for Liberty

Podcast Overview

Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

Podcast Episodes

628: Dysfunction in the Halls of Congress

Normally I'd be excited. And maybe I should be. Obamacare reform isn't going to happen. (Even if it does happen)

There's little to no hope of any tax reform which means no increase in the debt and deficit and...

There's no budget on the horizon which means getting big spending projects done is nearly impossible.

These are all good things, but it would be nice if, for once, Congress could get some significant spending cuts, tax cuts, and regulation reform accomplished.

This has been the Republican promise, but alas, as usual, their tough talk turns out to be just that, talk.

Today I want to talk with you about government lies and empty promises. We'll use the current state of affairs as our examples.

Happy Friday everyone. Enjoy!


627: Net Neutrality is a Silly Made Up Term

I'm so sick of hearing all the proponents of "net neutrality" complain about the FCC's attempt to remove hundreds of pages of unnecessary regulation.

None of them have the slightest idea what they're talking about. For starters 'net neutrality' isn't even a real thing. The Internet has never been neutral or even equal. That's because it's a free market and in a free market broad INEQUALITIES that exist.

Net Neutrality is a made up term invented by those who want to have the internet regulated for their own financial gain.

I've spoken about this at length in the past, but the trolls are back out claiming the "free internet" is going to come to an end when these regulations get rolled back.

Today I'm going to clear things up and give you the firepower necessary to teach the truth.


626: Has Yellen Gone Insane?

From the mouth of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, "I don't believe we will see another financial crisis in our lifetime."

I had to reread the quote three times.

From there my mind began to race working all the angles. Why would she say that? What political or economic gain could come from such a ridiculous statement.

I am at a loss which leaves me with only one answer. Yellen is drinking her own Kool-Aid and actually believes she can control the market.

It's nonsense of course. Attempts to control the market always fail. But that doesn't stop each generation of control freaks from giving it the old college try.

It's a mad, mad world.


625: Trump in Trouble. A smoking gun has appeared.

I know some of you think I've been watching too much MSNBC but I think Trump has some new problems.

It turns out Trump's campaign met with a Russian lawyer because they though she had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

That, by itself, is no big deal. The problem is they thought this lawyer was working for the Russian government.

What's worse, the guy they sent to the meeting was none other than Trump Jr. The man who sits at the left hand of power. (Ivanka is on the right, naturally.)

It's impossible to fathom Tump was not aware of the meeting or the circumstances surrounding it.

Is this collusion? No, because everyone admits there was no damaging information shared at the meeting. But it does show an ATTEMPT by the Trump campaign to get information from a representative working for the Russian government about a political opponent.

That is going to cause Trump some problems.

Naturally, he's going to come out clean. That's what presidents do. But it proves the claims that some Trump campaign officials DID seek to sway the election with the help of the Russians.


624: Progressives Push for the End of Uber and the Birth of Single Payer

Shocking as it may be, having seen the collapse of health insurance at the hands of government there are still those who push for a single payer system as an answer to what ails us.

In a painful to read article from the New York Times, the author asserts the many reasons why switching to a single payer system will...wait for us money.

It's the same gas we heard out of progressive mouths when Obamacare was being voted on. Since that worked out so well, why not give the government total control over our healthcare decisions.

I'm also going to shred an article from Harvard Business School professor Benjamin Edelman who wrote an indefensible piece about Uber.

I get a little fired up today. Apologies in advance.


623: Norway Offers a "Voluntary" Tax. It Did Not Go Well

That's right, after outrage over a recent tax cut politicians have made it easy to pay more taxes if you feel you're not receiving a firm enough rooting from the government.

To date, they have brought in the equivalent of $1,325.

You see, most people feel like the taxes they pay are far too high or at least high enough. It's only the other guy doing a little better than we are who are not paying his "fair share."

MiConnell is all but admitting they aren't going to get a repeal done on Obamacare. But here's one thing in the article from CNBC that gives us some insight on what the narrative is going to be moving forward.

The results are in over our debate about CNN's ratings. Tune in to find out who was right. (as if there was ever any doubt.)



622: CNN's Tough Talk Backfires BIG TIME.

CNN could not have misplayed their hand worse if they tried. Apparently, CNN is still living in a world where they control the narrative and hold the all the power.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The power in today's media is held by the nameless, faceless trolls on the internet who have both time and skill as their weapons.

CNN found out the hard way that heavy-handed threats and self-righteous demands will not scare off the hoards of social media-savvy Americans who won't be muscled.

Chicago school children will now face one more hurdle before graduation. Regardless of their academic proficiencies, if students can't show they have a government-approved plan after graduation, they will not be issued a diploma.

I'll give you the details today.

Elizabeth Warren was in Afghanistan this week to celebrate 4th of July with the troops. If you find it odd the Mrs. Warren would be in Afghanistan you have reason to question.

Since joining the Senate in 2013 Warren has been to Afghanistan exactly zero times. I'll explain her recent change on today's show.


621: Are You White? Then You're the Problem

That's the claim of one Fairfield University professor.

If that sounds like straight racism, you're right! It's the exact definition of racism.

I've also got the inside scoop on Austin Petersen's Senate announcement and some great stories on what qualities make us successful.


P.S. If you were looking for the link to my business course, here it is.

620: You Crazy Lunatic, 70 Year Old Man Baby!

The media is going bonkers over Trumps latest tweets. They're calling his sanity into question while claiming he's calling for violence against the media.

The reality is, both the media and Trump are right...and wrong.

I'll break it down for you today.

Politico has a story out claiming Colorado Springs has tried and failed to create a libertarian paradise.

It's an extremely slanted article, but there's plenty we can learn from the discussion.

I may manage to piss off everyone today. You be the judge.


619: Michael Malice Joins Me to Talk North Korea.

We get a lot of fear mongering coming out of the reporting on North Korea. I've been all over the world, but never over the 38th parallel so...

My perspective, opinion, and analysis of the North Korean situation is based solely on my life experience. That's why I've invited Michael to come and share his insights.

He's a recognized authority on North Korea, and he's got a sense of humor to boot.

I got a lot out of this interview, and I know you will too.

Michael has written a book on Kim Jong Il entitled "Dear Reader" and you can pick up your copy here:



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