ICU Rounds

Jeffrey S. Guy, MD, FACS

Podcast Overview

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Podcast Episodes

Colloids: Details and Myths

This episode provide some basic description of colloids as will as some myths.  

Random Serum Cortisol Levels are misleading

A physiological explanation why random cortisol levels are NOT helpful in evaluating adrenal function

EARLY use of Tranexamic Acid may improve survival from bleeding in trauma

In this episode we talk about the results of the CRASH-2 trial published in Lancet.  This trial showed that the EARLY use of Tranexamic acid may improve survivial, but delayed use may be associated with an increased mortality.  

Pediatric IVC diameter determination with ultrasound

If you are using ultrasound to evaluate IVC diamter in children, what is considered a normal IVC diameter?   You can determine the IVC/Ao ratio or correct the IVC diamter based on the child's body surface area.  

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

This is a condition that mimics acute coronary syndrome (ACS) that may be caused by acute emotional or physical stress.  Patient's may appear to have profound cardiogenic shock, but these patients have a very high survivial rate with little more than supportive care.  

Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection (NTSI)

This episode discusses the pathophysiology, presentation, and treatment of NTSI.

Different Cardiac Output Monitors & Physiology

This episode will discuss the physiology behind various CO output monitors such as pulmonary artery catheters, PICCO, pulse wave form analysis, and LiDCO.  

Lactic Acidosis - Type B

Now these are the types of lactic acidosis that most people are not familiar.  They can be caused by medications, underlying disease, or inborn errors of metabolism.   

Lactate Acidosis - Type A

This podcast is a description of how lactate is produced and metabolized.  I will discuss the role of lactate in the diagnosis and management of shock.  This podcast will focus on Type A lactic acidosis.

Endotracheal tube cuff leaks and self-extubations

A brief description on what to consider when confronted with a patient with an air leak from the ET tube or a patient that self-extubates.

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