Freedomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux

Podcast Overview

The logic of personal, philosophical and political freedom

Podcast Episodes

FDR3444 You Don't Get To Sleep, Until You Wake Up - Call In Show - October 5th, 2016

Question 1: [2:09] - “Due to the evolution of technology, half of the current jobs are planned to disappear within the next decade or two, and nearly 9 out of 10 of current jobs could potentially disappear by 2050-2100. New markets will emerge and create new jobs, but we’re moving from away from an area of blue collar workers, more tasks and goods production could be done by less people. Therefore, do you think only a very small percentage of the population will have a chance for a decent living in a very near future?”

Question 2: [1:02:08] - “In your recent video, ‘Evidence for God?’ you wonder aloud, ‘I would have loved the idea of saying 'I am doing God's work... I am on a mission from God.’ I know what it is like to know in my heart mind and soul that I am on one. What evidence do you need to prove to you that you are on a mission from God?”

Question 3: [1:24:52] - “What makes Trump’s value as a bastion of freedom and western values so in-obvious to people who share fairly similar values? I see the extremes like the Never Trump Republicans, but also many in between. How can we break through that seemingly pathological virtue with these good people?”

Question 4: [2:12:00] - “Would veteran benefits be considered a form of welfare? It is often talked about on the show how welfare effects those who participate in collecting it and the dangers to society as a whole, such as dependency on the system. Veteran benefits include easy housing loans, education compensation, monthly disability payments and much, much more funded by the government.”

“As a US Marine veteran, I have benefited immensely from these programs. However, I feel that my treatment of this government money and other veterans’ treatment of government money is more positive than other groups who receive government assistance. Still, as a self-described patriot, I want to support what is best for my country even if that means less money for me. Sometimes I feel guilty for taking veteran benefit money and want to hear your thoughts.“

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FDR3445 Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton | Second Presidential Debate Analysis

On October 9th, 2016, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton participated in the second Presidential debate between the Republican and Democratic candidates - moderated by Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz.

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FDR3446 Hillary Clinton: Pathological Liar?

Stefan Molyneux discusses his visceral lizard brain reaction to Hillary Clinton's ability to convincingly lie during the last Presidential debate with Donald Trump.

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FDR3447 Economic Collapse Countdown | Peter Schiff and Stefan Molyneux

What is the real state of the world economy in the midst of United States Presidential election featuring Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton? Peter Schiff joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss crushingly low central bank interest rates, growing unemployment, the growing stock market bubble, record-breaking government debt and the overall lack of economic recovery.

Peter Schiff is an economist, financial broker/dealer, author, frequent guest on national news, the host of the Peter Schiff Show Podcast, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital and the Chairmain of Schiff Gold.

Schiff Gold:
Schiff Radio:
Euro Pacific Capital:

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FDR3448 Selling Yourself When Nobody Is Buying - Call In Show - October 7th, 2016

Question 1: [2:09] - “Is dating someone significantly younger than you immoral or abusive? Or is it fair and simply frowned upon by society for no good reason?”

Question 2: [28:24] - “I once heard Stefan say (paraphrasing) that peaceful parenting means never using your size or muscles for any kind of physical force over your child. I want to implement the non-aggression principle in my parenting, yet my daughter at 14 months is not old enough yet to have a conversation with let alone negotiate. How do I reconcile the non-aggression principle with a child who often doesn't want to let me feed her, bath her, change her diaper, etc.?”

Question 3: [1:32:30] - “I'm having a sales problem, and the product is myself. I'm a freelancer with a rare and valuable skill set in a tough field, and 2016 has seen a reversal of many of the gains I've made. 12 years in and I'm no longer certain of my business relationships and feel my market value has evaporated. Now mostly sidelined (except for a handful of accounts), I'm working as a courier to pay the bills. I fear I've been the indispensable side-kick to creative directors who don't have my level of technical expertise, but who have big personalities, and can sell. I don't want to be overshadowed. How do I sell as an introvert?”

“Also marketing departments seem to be increasingly female dominated. Could own-group preference in hiring be a factor. Have I made myself untouchable in some way to mostly female industry gatekeepers since I keep it professional, check my politics at the door, and eschew the Social Justice virtue signaling, stinking up my industry? How do I know when the market has spoken, and I should pack it in? What do I do when I can't even get reliable feedback, or straightforward answers about where I stand?”

Question 4: [2:21:09] - “I think Donald Trump would be a better president but suggest we should vote for Hillary Clinton on economic grounds. The elite, central banks, socialist and regulating interventionist busy bodies have push the global fiat financial system to a point beyond repair. There is little that Trump or anyone else can do at this point to unwind the mess. The president doesn’t have the power to make needed effective change, nor would the vested interests allow it if he did.”

“Additionally, Clinton’s policies will accelerate the collapse so that maybe we can get through it faster. Shouldn’t we let history record the failure under Hilary instead of during the term of a ‘businessman’? If not, it will be seen as a failure of capitalism even though its cause it the absence of a free market.”

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FDR3449 The Truth About Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Speeches

Hillary and Bill Clinton made more than $153 million for 729 paid speeches between February 2001 and May 2015 - receiving an average fee of $210,795 per speech.

Hillary Clinton gave 92 speeches with a standard fee of $225,000 between 2013 and 2015, collecting $21.6 million in just under two years.

Why are the Clintons' worth so much for speaking appearances and what did she say to these large institutions behind closed doors? Clinton never released her speech transcripts, but recently Wikileaks released excepts from her speeches, obtained through John Podesta’s compromised email account.


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FDR3450 The Truth About The Hillary Clinton Wikileaks Scandal

Wikileaks has begun releasing emails from Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta, which provide a very interesting look into the Democratic Nominees campaign and raising some significant questions. In an attempt to deflect criticism regarding the information contained within the leaked emails, the Clinton Campaign has promoted the baseless assertion that Russia and Vladimir Putin are behind the leaks and working to actively sabotage Clinton’s campaign. What is the Truth About The Hillary Clinton Wikileaks Scandal?

Saudi Arabia Funding ISIS:
Driven to Suicide?:
Bill Clinton’s History:
Compliant Citizenry:
Department of Homeland Security:
Conservative Catholicism:
Department of Justice Collusion:
Email/Server Legality:
Email Subpoena:
Sanders Hits:
Attacking Sanders:
Joe Biden:
Democratic Debates:
About Trump:
Hillary's Health:
Tim Kaine:
Boston Globe:
Media Collusion:
NYT Coordination:
Town Hall Debate Questions:

Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:

FDR3451 Donald Trump Will Not Be Stopped | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson speaks to Stefan Molyneux about the 2016 election, how Donald Trump won't be stopped and the threat of World War III if Hillary Clinton gets into office.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and find you him on YouTube at: and on Twitter at

Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:

FDR3452 The Truth About The Donald Trump Sexual Assault Allegations

When Anderson Cooper insistently questioned Donald Trump about sexual assault allegations at the second Presidential Debate with Hillary Clinton, you knew exactly what was coming next. As Wikileaks released damaging emails concerning Hillary Clinton and her past behavior, the mainstream media is focusing on a litany of new sexual assault allegations against Republican Candidate Donald Trump.

What are the nature of these recent accusations? What do we know about Donald Trump’s accusers and defenders? Includes: New York Times, Rowanne Brewer Lane, Megan Twohey, Michael Barbaro, Jessica Leeds, Jill Harth, People Magazine, Natasha Stoynoff, Melania Trump, Mindy McGillivray, the Ivana Trump smear, Howard Stern comments, Cassandra Searles, Temple Taggart, Natasha Rickley, Mariah Billado, Jessica Granata, Buzzfeed and much much more!


Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:

FDR3453 Why Cultural Marxism Is Destroying America | Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyenux

What is Cultural Marxism and what impact does it have on Western Civilization? Dr. Duke Pesta joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the scourge of relativism, the infiltration of Cultural Marxism within western educational institutions, looking at the world through the lens of progressive ideologies, the truth about cultural relativism and much much more!

Dr. Duke Pesta is a tenured university professor, author and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, a Live Online School offering individual classes and complete curricula for students in Kindergarten through High School. For more from Dr. Duke and the FreedomProject Academy, please go to:

Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:

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