The Expat Files: Living in Latin America

Progressive Radio Network

Podcast Overview

A guide to moving to Latin America, finding work, and settling in.

Podcast Episodes

Expat Files - 07.09.17

  #1- When gringo retirement plans in Latin America go awry: today’s “boots on the ground” story   #2- When and why gringos in Latin America just can’t assimilate (even a little) into Latin culture. We complain about Latins who bring their customs (good and bad) to the states while some of us gringos in Latin America do the same and can be just a stubborn     #3-A tip [...]

Expat Files - 07.07.17

  #1- Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini- all infamous and despicable names from the past, right? Well not necessarily for citizens of South America. Those names and faces don’t always carry the negative images as we might expect. In fact some actually name their kids after these guys. Why? In part because Argentina’s Eva Peron and her husband Juan (presidents from 1946 and beyond) allowed Argentina to became a post war haven for over 10,000 Nazi war criminals, with explicit protection from Perón, as long as they brought along investments, gold and dough.  

Expat Files - 07.02.17

  #1- TEN THINGS you need to know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in Latin America.    #2- What happens when Latin countries make cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin illegal, or prohibit their use as legal tender. Colombia has just done so , but in a typical schizophrenic idiot govt move they have also decided to tax bitcoin transactions at the usual VAT (IVA) tax rate it. Duh? They make it illegal but tax it anyway? Say what? How is that possible?   #3-Sh [...]

Expat Files - 06.30.17

#1- When you overstay your tourist visa you are in effect an illegal alien in a Latin country. So then what happens next? What can happen if you stay a very very long time beyond your tourist visa expiration date?

#2 Having two passports: that 2nd one can be a life saver and a kind of get out of jail free card, but be careful how you use them both. You can get in a fine regarding those all important entry and exit stamps if you don’t plan your travel moves correctly.

#3-The US allows dual citizenship (2 or more passports) but other countries, including a few Latin countries, don’t allow it. Oops! Might you have screwed up and picked the wrong “Plan B” country? Is it back to the drawing board? No, not quite. Those single passport laws are really just a technicality and not a serious problem. Today we have the dope on that widely misunderstood subject..

#4-There is an ongoing Latin American population boom, with super high  levels of teen and eve [...]

Expat Files - 06.25.17

#1- When big and small earthquakes hit (they do with some regularity)how do Expats and gringos cope and react? Two big 6.8 earthquakes hit Guatemala and Mexico this week.As usual there was some property damage and but none affecting local gringos and Expats. Only group truly affected when natural disasters arise are poor uneducated locals. The squatters in shacks and adobe structures are most vulnerable because they build helter skelter without permits and without following the country building codes. On top of that they invite disaster by settling on geologically unstable cheap (or free) land situated on the sides of steep valleys and mountains. Gringos and expats don’t live that way… except for the odd retro-hippy willingly gone native.    

Expat Files - 06.23.17

#1- Getting off the grid and off the radar: You can do it to a significant degree in Latin America and here’s how..

#2 House swapping: is that a viable option for gringos and expats who go back an forth between the US and Latin America? Maybe so but look out. There are many pitfalls, especially if you are a picky gringo with first-world standards. Yet it could could be a successful enterprise if the trade was done with only upscale Latin families in mind- though not likely if you are targeting just gringos and Expats. In any event, I wouldn’t recommended swapping your primary residence with someone you don’t personally know.

#3-Even wealthy supposedly well-educated Latins are quite gullible when it comes to cons and scams. They are especially vulnerable when on their never ending quest to emulate everything and anything that’s first-world and gringo. So just how gullible are Latins in general? Today we discuss a few prime examples.

#4- What is the legal [...]

Expat Files - 06.18.17

#1- Volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters. What? Me Worry?

#2 Some wild and crazy drivers license stories: today Expat Eddie chimes in and tells us how in the past so many gringos and expats would just bypass the driver’s tests and the lines and just outright buy a Latin Driver’s license on the grey market . But recently- when Eddie himself figured it was about time to get a legit one- his Gringo advantage allowed him to achieve that goal even though he was colorblind and failed the eye exam multiple times.

#3-Today our friend Captain Mango checks in with an odd “lost in translation” story and much more

#4- Just how polluted are the lakes and rivers in Latin America? Are they getting worse or better? Today we have the dirt on that sad problem..

#5- MY NEXT EXPAT “INSIDER” SEMINAR will be Saturday July 8th thru Thursday July 13th 2017 in and around Guatemala, Central Am [...]

Expat Files - 06.16.17

#1- A zero cost “secret stash” security tip for people traveling in and around Latin
America(or anywhere for that matter)

#2 Oh for the good old days when “Cash was King”. Have you
heard cash is on the way out and will soon be dead in the first world? It’s now
being phased out in certain sheeple infested European countries like
Switzerland. So how’s that trend coming along in Latin America? Well it ain’t
going well… cash is king still and here’s the latest scoop.

#3-A warning about using those public space “free battery charge” USB hubs. Yes, topping off smart
devices batteries in public locations is all the rage and seemingly  innocuous but in reality a dangerous practice and here’s why…

#4- A Latina-USA based listener sounds off about the many things she disagrees with concerning Johnny’s
facts and opinions …and of course Johnny bites back


Expat Files - 06.11.17

Descriptions: for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #667, 06-11-2017 (SUN):

#1- Tips on owning dogs and other animals in Latin America: a few words about Latin veterinarians, pharmacies, prescriptions and drugs

#2-More Mexico stories: why is it that no matter how many awful news stories air about crime and lawlessness in Mexico and gringo- and as Expat bad experiences pile up- still so many gringos and expats still think Mexico might be a good “Plan B” destination. I dunno, it’s a strange mindset, so you tell me.

#3 We all have heard startling stories and news reports about Gringas and European Ladies traveling in Latin America. We hear they sometimes get abducted, raped even killed. Today we talk facts figures, myths and realities.

#4- More on various Latin Country residency programs

#5- MY NEXT EXPAT “INSIDER” SEMINAR will be Saturday July 8th thru Thursday July 13th 2017 in and around Guatemala, Ce [...]

Expat Files - 06.09.17

#1- Top 10 mistakes green gringos and expats make when first arriving at their so-called “ideal”Latin American paradise.

#2-Today some examples why you can’t believe half of what you read on the many Expat blogs and websites(except maybe on The Expat Files… just maybe).

#3 EXPAT RULE #1-By the time the media and rags like International Living have announce the Latin American expat gringo retirement destination flavor of the month, you can be dead sure that Elvis has long since left the building.

#4- Many many gringo Expats in Latin America work off the books at brick and mortar establishments. Technically its illegal but thousands do it. Today we discuss those cash jobs- the how, where and when.

#5-Meet the new boss- same as the old boss: today a few kind, Christian words about those repugnant, megalomaniac Latin American government bureaucrats, politicians, dictators and other dyed-in-the-wool sociopaths. Simply put, they’re bad copies of our [...]

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