Dharmapunx NYC and Brooklyn

josh korda

Podcast Overview

Josh Korda's talks at Dharmapunx NYC . To support the teachings one can donate on or

Podcast Episodes

Talks at Garrison Institute: How do I know Who I am When I’m Not Even Supposed to Ask?

One of four talks given at a 5 day retreat led by Josh Korda & Heather Sundberg at Garrison Institute, July 11 - 16, 2017. Feel invited to donate using the button in the right margin.

Talks at Garrison Institute: Unearthing the Mind’s Hidden beliefs

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the donations of those who listen to the teachings. The donation button is in the right margin.

Talks at Garrison Institute: Orchestrating the Mind

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the donations of those who listen to the teachings. The donation button is in the right margin.

Talks at Garrison Institute: Techniques for Quieting the Mind

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the donations of those who listen to the teachings. The donation button is in the right margin.

Pessimism & Cynicism & Nihilism vs. Buddhism

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the donations of those who listen to the teachings. The donation button is in the right margin.

How Awareness of the Body Helps Us Improve Our Social & Interpersonal Experience

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the donations of those who listen to the teachings. The donation button is in the right margin.

Attaining the Spiritual in a Material World

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the donations of those who listen to the teachings. The donation button is in the right margin.

Talk with Dr. Stephen Dansiger: Addressing Addiction & Trauma with Mindfulness (also: Refuge Recovery & EMDR)

Josh Korda and Dr. Stephen Dansiger, co-founder of Refuge Recovery Treatment Centers and developer of addiction treatment modalities discuss the causes and treatment approaches to addiction and trauma.
—>Note, due to low microphone battery the recording quality is less than palatable, but the talks’ merits make it worth posting nonetheless.

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the generous donations of those who listen and get something from the teaching. 
The donation button is in the right margin.

The Hidden Message of Depression

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the generous donations of those who listen and get something from the teaching. The donation button is in the right margin.

Building Confidence: Dharma Talk followed by Meditation

In the 2,500 year old tradition I teach entirely by dana, scraping by on the generous donations of those who listen and get something from the teaching. 
The donation button is in the right margin.

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