DevOps Cafe Podcast

John Willis & Damon Edwards

Podcast Overview

DevOps Cafe hosted by John Willis and Damon Edwards

Podcast Episodes

DevOps Cafe Ep. 73 - Guest: Patrick Chanezon

Patrick Chanezon (Docker) chats with John and Damon about trends that are changing how Developers work.

Show notes at

DevOps Cafe Ep. 72 - Guest: Kelsey Hightower

John and Damon chat with Kelsey Hightower (Google) about the future of Operations, Kubernetes, Docker, containers, self-learning, and more!

DevOps Cafe Ep. 71 - Guest: Courtney Kissler

John and Damon pick Courtney Kissler’s brain (Starbucks) on the techniques that enable her to be a hands-on technology leader with a track record for getting teams to find and fix what is getting in the way.

DevOps Cafe Ep. 70 - Guest: James Turnbull

James Turnbull joins John and Damon to chat about monitoring, automation, and the changing art of operations. In addition to his current work as a practitioner (Kickstarter) and past as vendor (Puppet Labs), you might also have read some of James's popular books on Monitoring, Puppet, Logstash, Docker, and Linux.

DevOps Cafe Ep. 69 - Guest: Justin Cormack

Justin Cormack (Unikernel Systems / Docker) joins John and Damon to discuss the rise of unikernels, containers, microservices, serverless, and other trends that are threatening to change not only what our systems look like, but how we interact with them.

DevOps Cafe Ep. 68 - Guest: Patrick Debois

John and Damon welcome back the always insightful Patrick Debois to get his practitioner point of view of going "serverless", delivering mobile apps, and the continued evolution of DevOps.  

DevOps Cafe Ep. 67 - Guest: Mark Imbriaco

Mark Imbriaco (Operable) returns to discuss the changing role of Operations, ChatOps, and more.  

Show notes at

DevOps Cafe Ep. 66 - Guest: Damon interviews John

Damon turns the tables and interviews John. The wide ranging conversations hits on everything from containers, to Docker, to microservices, to immutable infrastructure, to unikernals, and the impact of it all. 

Show notes at

DevOps Cafe Ep. 65 - John interviews Damon

In this special episode, John interviews Damon about Damon's #DOES15 presentation, "DevOps Kaizen: Practical Steps to Start & Sustain a Transformation".

See the presentation slides and video in the show notes at 

DevOps Cafe Ep. 64 - Guest: Nicole Forsgren

John and Damon chat with researcher, data scientist, and IT operational performance expert, Dr. Nicole Forsgren. Nicole answers John and Damon's questions about the 2015 State of DevOps Report, highlights the areas that are groundbreaking, and gives advice on how to leverage it when you need to make the case for DevOps.

Show notes are at

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