CFA Institute Take 15 Podcast Series

CFA Institute

Podcast Overview

CFA Institute Take 15 Series: 10-15 minute interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics in market and credit risk as well as ethics. CFA Institute is a global membership organization that awards the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation. CFA Institute leads the investment industry by setting the highest standards of ethics and professional excellence and vigorously advocating fair and transparent capital markets.

Podcast Episodes

Geopolitics: Why It Is Important and Current Hot Spots

Willis Sparks, director of global macro at Eurasia Group, argues that geopolitics is an important subject deserving of the attention of all investment professionals. Sparks believes an understanding of geopolitics is both a source of both alpha and an important consideration in risk management. Additionally, Sparks takes viewers around the globe to discuss the geopolitical hot spots deserving of investors’ attention right now.



The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

Innovations in Managing Concentrated Single Stock Positions

Whether the result of equity-based compensation from employment at public companies, or the rewards of a liquidity event borne of entrepreneurial success, concentrated single-stock positions are a relatively common circumstance for wealthy individuals. Clients may prefer to maintain ownership for a variety of reasons, leaving a significant risk management challenge for the advisor. Elizabeth Ostrander, CFA, discusses some of the common approaches to managing such concentrated positions, including a recent "stock protection fund" innovation that involves investors pooling a cash buffer to diminish or negate losses over time.


The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

Direct Private Equity Investing for the High-Net-Worth Client

Are there skills and traits that make for successful private equity investors? Are there client communication challenges associated with private equity investing? Daniel S. Meader, CFA, founder and a managing partner of Trinity Private Equity Group, discusses his firm’s investment philosophy and provides answers to these questions and many more.


The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

Fintech for Financial Advisers: Industry Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

Joel Bruckenstein, an expert on applied technology for financial professionals and publisher of Technology Tools for Today (T3), discusses cyber-security, improving the client experience, the rise robo-advisers, what’s in store for financial technology in the near future, and more.


The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

How Financial Advisers Can Better Serve Women

Women control more wealth than ever in the United States, tend to outlive men by about 15 years, and make or contribute to 90% of US philanthropic decisions. And yet there is a major disconnect: Many women are not satisfied with what the wealth management industry is offering them. Adrienne Penta, executive director of the Brown Brothers Harriman Center for Women & Wealth, discusses this problem—explaining what women clients want from their financial advisers and how advisers can better serve this important segment of their clientele.

The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

The Future of Robo Advice in Japan and Asia

Robo advice is all the rage in wealth management, particularly in developed markets such as the United States. What is the potential for robo advice in Japan and the rest of Asia? Will robo-advisers replace all human advisers, or will they peacefully coexist? And how do such megabanks as Mizuho balance their traditional channels with the robo advice channel? Keisuke Ito, CFA, head of investment technology at Mizuho–DL Financial Technology, shares his perspectives.



The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

The Future of Investment Advice

The need and demand for attention toward the end client has never been higher. Investment advice is one of the high impact areas within financial services where this need has been growing. Is the “advice for a fee model” where the end customer decides the fee, the right model? What roles do technology and robo-advisory have to play? In this Take 15 interview, Anthony Serhan, managing director of the Asia Pacific Research Strategy at Morning Star, will provide his insights into these important questions that will shape the “future of investment advice.”


The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

Meb Faber on the Challenges of Active Management

Mebane Faber, co-founder and chief investment officer at Cambria Investment Management, takes a quantitative approach to investing. In this brief interview, he shares his views on common behavioral pitfalls, active management, shareholder yield, and the exaggerated impact of asset allocation on returns.

The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

How Emotions Undermine Our Investment Decision Making

Frank Murtha, cofounder of MarketPsych, a behavioral finance consulting firm, has researched investor psychology extensively to better understand why investors often make irrational decisions. In this interview, Murtha explains how personality affects investing, how important self-awareness is, and how investors can mitigate their behavioral blind spots. He also identifies some of the common traits of successful financial advisers.

The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

Abenomics, Zombie Firms, And More: The Outlook for China and Japan

In this interview, Freya Beamish, a senior economist at Lombard Street Research with extensive knowledge of China and Japan, answers whether Chinese zombie debt provides a threat to the wider economy, if Abenomics is a success or failure, and offers her insights into the RMB/USD exchange rate.

The Take 15 Series is a series of short interviews with leading practitioners on timely topics focused on the investment profession.

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