Burning Issues with Dr. Mitch Earleywine

Cannabis Radio

Podcast Overview

Setting fire to the stoner stereotype. Sparking up candid conversations with cannabis researchers, entrepreneurs and advocates.

Educator, Author and Advocate Dr. Mitch Earleywine hosts a no-holds-barred platform that seeks to re-define and revolutionize the entire scope of the cannabis culture, while opening the door for more to join the cannabis crusade.

Podcast Episodes

The evidence-base supporting the likelihood of safety and efficacy of cannabis for ADHD

Today on Burning Issues Dr. Mitch is Joined by Julie Holland, M.D. Julie is a psychiatrist specializing in psychopharmacology, with a private practice in New York City. She majored in the Biological Basis of Behavior at the University of Pennsylvania and received her M.D. in 1992 from Temple University School of Medicine. At Mount Sinai Medical Center, she completed a residency program in psychiatry, where she created a research project that treated schizophrenics with a new medication. Together they talk about The evidence-base supporting the likelihood of safety and efficacy of cannabis for ADHD in adults and the need for definitive clinical trials. Also, Possible mechanism of action of THC, CBD etc in ADHD, including any basis in science for current working theory that cannabis provides focus through retrograde inhibition of GABA to create more Dopamine Transporter.

Cannabis as a Medicine for ADHD

Today on Burning Issues DR. Mich is Joined by Professor Philip Asherson from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. At King's College London Professor Philip is the head of The ADHD Genetics Group. This group is a research group within the SGDP whose main aim is to identify the genes involved in ADHD and related behavioural traits, and investigate how such genes work together and with environment to influence behaviour.

A Day In The Life Of A Marijuana Doctor

Dr. Mitch speaks with Dr. Patel about the many questions asked regarding marijuana doctors and the instructions given by doctors on how to safely use and determine the proper dosage of marijuana

Cannabis, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions

Dr. Mitch Earleywine speaks with Matthew R. Pearson, Ph.D. a Research Assistant Professor from the Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions at the University of New Mexico.

Medical Cannabis Patients Report Decreased Use Of Opioids

Today on Burning Issues Dr. Mich is joined by Erik Altieri the communications director of NORML. They talk about how Medical Cannabis Patients Report Decreased Use Of Opioids, Anti-Anxiety Medicines. This topic is based on Patients with legal access to medical cannabis decreasing their use of opioids, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, and other medications, according to self-report data published online ahead of print in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. The study's findings are consistent with those of others reporting that patients with legal cannabis access are less likely to use or abuse opioids, as well as various other prescription medications, including anti-anxiety medicines and anti-depressants.

Providing Legal Access to Medical Cannabis

Today on Burning Issues Dr. Mitch is joined by Jordan Page, a cannabis freedom activist and the PR Director for CannaSense. Cannasense is providing legal access to medical cannabis through a framework of existing state and federal laws, to patients in all 50 states. As a medical cannabis collective they use a specific legal strategy, developed over 10 years of research, to provide and ship cannabis medication to patients across the US regardless of individual state mandates. They are in strict compliance with state and federal laws including the Compassionate Use Act, the Affordable Care Act, and Article 4 Section 1 of the US Constitution, among many others. Under the provisions of the CUA and through the vehicle of telemedicine, they connect patients in every state with CA board certified medical doctors who issue them medical cards and recommendations for membership in our collective, thereby making them CA patients.

Los Angeles Times Supports Proposition M

Los Angeles is about to presented with Proposition M which will provide the city with the ability to address issues in a comprehensive way. One of the biggest publications in Media The Los Angeles Times has now come out and backed Proposition M. Dr. Mich speaks to Virgil Grant, president and co-founder of Southern California Coalition about his take on this media backing.

Joshua Littrell and Veterans for Cannabis

Veterans for Cannabis founder Joshua Littrell talks about his mission to reduce Veteran suicides and end accidental overdose deaths with medical Cannabis.

Missouri Marijuana Decriminalization Set to Begin in 2017

Missouri Marijuana Decriminalization Set to Begin in 2017 and Dr. Mitch Earleywine discusses with Missouri Medical Marijuana Advocate and Attorney Dan Viets

California Prop 64 and The Path to Legalize

California Prop 64 and The Path to Legalize Recreational Marijuana as Dr. Mitch Earleywine welcomes returning guests Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris.

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