Best Science Medicine Podcast - BS without the BS

Dr James McCormack and Dr Michael Allan

Podcast Overview

The Best Science (BS) Medicine Podcast is a weekly presentation where practitioners can get evidence-based drug therapy content that is practical, entertaining and promotes healthy scepticism. In essence, we are the Medication Mythbusters. We present information that is useful and relevant to physicians, pharmacists, nurses, physician assistants and other health professionals, and that can easily be incorporated into day-to-day practice. The podcast is presented by Dr. James McCormack, Professor in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia and Dr Michael Allan, Associate Professor in the Department of Family Practice at the University of Alberta. For more about us and to get the show notes for each episode, visit our website at or

Podcast Episodes

Episode 353: Reporting lab results - the cause of, and the solution to, the overdiagnosis problem – Part II

In episode 353, James and Mike continue to delve into the issues around lab reporting. In this part, we talk about the variation seen with every measurement. We talk about reference change values and what they mean for clinical practice. We use examples of bone density and cholesterol to explain some of the nuances and problems associated with test variance.

Episode 352: Reporting lab results - the cause of, and the solution to, the overdiagnosis problem

In episode 352, James and Mike start to delve into the issues around lab reporting and the numbers that are reported and what the numbers really mean. We talk about the highs and the lows and the variability associated with measurement and realize at the end that, while lab tests may have important variability, the quality of our podcasts never varies – which may or may not be a good thing.

Episode 350: Trouble Sleeping: Spend less time in Bed?

In episode 350, Mike and James talk about the evidence around sleep restriction. The evidence is fairly solid and the results typically suggest an impact greater than sleeping pills with sleep restriction improving sleep for one in every two to six patients compared to sleep hygiene alone.

Episode 349: Screening with a complete blood count is evidently of no value

In episode 349, Mike and James talk about the evidence around screening otherwise asymptomatic adults with a complete blood count. While it feels like it should be a good thing to do, the evidence is pretty clear that it doesn’t provide any benefit even though ~ 10% of tests will be abnormal. Basically no one benefits and serious disease is virtually never found.

Episode 348: What is Urgent About Hypertensive Urgency?

In episode 348, Mike and James invite Mike Kolber yet again and he urgently works us through the evidence for treating hypertensive urgency. At the end we realize that asymptomatic patients with BPs >180/110 mmHg can be dealt with addition or initiation of oral agents at presentation with close outpatient follow-up. Even though it is “urgent” we don’t need to panic.

Episode 347: Chew on This: Why gum is good for your post-operative bum

In episode 347, Mike and James get Mike Kolber to work us through all the evidence around chewing gum after bowel surgery. Believe it or not there are lots of studies and believe it or not there is reasonable benefit. The only tricky part would be to try to get hospitals to implement this protocol.  Show notes Tools For Practice

Episode 346: Regurgitating the evidence around medications for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy – Part II

In episode 346, Mike and James have Adrienne work us through the rest of the evidence for medications used to treat nausea and vomiting around pregnancy. We specifically look at the evidence for diclectin, B6 alone, ginger and ondansetron and then try to figure out what we would use. Show notes

Episode 345: Regurgitating the evidence around medications for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

In episode 345, Mike and James enlist Adrienne Lindblad to help us go through the tricky topic of taking medications in pregnancy. Adrienne covers the topic in general and then discusses some of the evidence around medications for nausea and vomiting around pregnancy. Show notes

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