The 365 Days of Astronomy, the daily podcast of the International Year of Astronomy 2009

Podcast Overview

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is a project that is publishing one podcast per day, 5 to 10 minutes in duration, for all 365 days of 2009. The podcast episodes are written, recorded and produced by people around the world. We are looking for individual

Podcast Episodes

Travelers in the Night - 305 & 306: Murky & Egg Rock

Dr. Al Grauer hosts. Dr. Albert D. Grauer ( @Nmcanopus ) is an observational asteroid hunting astronomer. Dr. Grauer retired from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2006.

Today's 2 topics:

- Our host, Al Grauer, found 2016 VA in a hole in the clouds on a murky night. The rock passed 59,000 miles away from Earth, traveling 13 miles/sec. It'll be back in 2024.

- NASA's Curiosity rover has studied a shiny, smooth rock on Mars' Mt. Sharp. Nicknamed "Egg Rock" it appears to be a nickel/iron meteorite.


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This week's code is 8kVSP3


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

Astronomers Without Borders - Ron Garan & Nicole Stott

Hosted by Mike Simmons. His guests today are retired NASA Astronauts Ron Garan ( ) & Nicole Passonno Stott ( ), who share their views on "The Orbital Perspective" ( ) and how they are supporting programs that allow everyone to make a difference with world-wide issues affecting each of us.


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is 8kVSP3


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

UNAWE Space Scoop - Asteroid Day: Look Out for Rocks Falling From the Sky!

On June 30th, 1908, a fireball was seen streaking across the morning sky in a remote area of Siberia in Russia. Seconds later, an explosion ripped through the air with enough energy to destroy an area of forest almost the size of Tokyo, flattening about 80 million trees. The earth trembled and many windows were smashed at the Vanavara trading post 65 kilometers away. And the people there felt the heat from the blast.


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is 8kVSP3


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

Awesome Astronomy - July Edition

Paul Hill, Ralph Wilkins and Jenifer Millard host. Damien Phillips and John Wildridge produce.

The Discussion: Combating light pollution for the AstroCamp in the Welsh Brecon Beacons and fighting to help the National Park retain its International Dark Sky Reserve status. Then we turn our attention to politics in space science and listeners’ views on politics in podcasts.

The News: Rounding up the space and astronomy news this month we have:

  • Another gravitational wave detection and what we’re learning from it
  • The European Space Agency’s latest mission approvals
  • NASA’s last exoplanet data dump from the Kepler mission
  • China’s experiment observing long distance quantum entanglement
  • Britain’s ambitious space ambitions and Europe freezing out the UK
  • Has the origin of the Wow Signal finally been solved?
  • How common are the ingredients for life in the universe?

The Hat of Woo: This month we look at EM drives and NASA’s cover up hiding the warp drive they’ve developed at their super-secret Eagleworks and aren’t using but they definitely, definitely have it. Honestly.


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is 8kVSP3


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

Urban Astronomer Ep.8: Venus, Kelt-11b & Pregnant Eclipse?

Welcome to the 8th episode of the Urban Astronomer Podcast!  This week, Cathrine continues her series on The Planets with the hottest world in our Solar System: Venus.  Allen then reports on the discovery, by a telescope at SAAO's facility in Sutherland, of KELT-11b, an unusually inflated exoplanet.  And finally we look at what is apparently a common question in parts of the world: Is it safe to watch a Lunar Eclipse, while pregnant?


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is 8kVSP3


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

Astronomy Cast - Ep. 55: The Asteroid Belt

From September 24, 2007.

In the last few weeks we’ve had many emails saying that our tour of the solar system would not be complete without a show on the asteroid belt. Your wish is our command! We talked about Mars in episode 52, and now that we’re back on track our next stop is the asteroid belt.


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is 8kVSP3


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

Travelers in the Night - 303 & 304: CRASH & Close One

Dr. Al Grauer hosts. Dr. Albert D. Grauer ( @Nmcanopus ) is an observational asteroid hunting astronomer. Dr. Grauer retired from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2006.

Today's 2 topics:

- The Schiaparelli lander crashed on Mars. It was a joint mission by the ESA and Roscosmos. The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter that ferried it to Mars, however, fared better and is ready to do good science in orbit.

- Rose Matheny is still at it! She discovered 2016 RB1, which was on a very close pass by Earth. The metal-rich and 20' diameter object is not big enough to cause any significant damage to the planet, though. It would have made some nice meteorites, however.


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is MXr8Q9


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

NOAO - The Citizen Cate Project

From Aug 13, 2016.

Description: On August 21st, 2017, the United States will experience a total solar eclipse on a path crossing the country from Oregon to South Carolina. This eclipse presents a rare opportunity to study the Sun’s inner corona. The Citizen Continental-American Telescopic Eclipse Experiment (Citizen CATE) will station 60 telescopes across the country to capture a continuous, uninterrupted movie of the Sun’s corona during totality. Four Research Experience For Undergraduates (REU) students have spent the summer at the National Solar Observatory in Tucson analyzing date from telescope tests done in Indonesia during the March 9th, 2016 total solar eclipse in Indonesia and preparing for the 2017 total solar eclipse. This podcast explores the Citizen CATE Experiment and lets you learn how to get involved in this exciting citizen science project.

Website(s) you want to have a link to:


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is MXr8Q9


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

Cheap Astronomy - #228: Never Assume Anything, Or Everything.

Hosted by Steve Nerlich.

Nicolaus Copernicus is commonly acknowledged for establishing the heliocentric model of the solar system – and indeed the general principle that the Earth is not only not the centre of the Universe, but that it does not occupy any kind of central or privileged position. There’s no doubt Copernicus was a polymath and a jolly-clever fellow, but did it all really start with him?


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is MXr8Q9


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

UNAWE Space Scoop - Throwing Rocks in Space

Over several years, astronomers using the Chandra X-Ray Space Observatory have noticed mysterious flares of X-ray light coming from Sgr A*.

Not only that, but the flashes are also seen in the infrared by the ESO's VLT at Chile's Paranal Observatory.

Now, astronomers think that these flares of light may be caused by Sgr A* gobbling up asteroids, just like the streak of light that we see in the night sky when meteors burn up.


Enter the code for this week into this site: for a chance to win.

This week's code is MXr8Q9


Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.

Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!)

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Astrosphere New Media.

Visit us on the web at or email us at

While you're at it, do support our Learning Space educator training program by going to this site:

Please help us keep training the trainers! Learning Space is a weekly G+ Hangout on Air about topics in astronomy education, outreach and other ways to share science both in the school setting and outside it. We bring you interviews, hands-on demonstrations, lists of our favorite educational resources and more!

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