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The Wonderful Adventures of Nils

Selma Lagerlöf

Book Overview: 

The Wonderful Adventures of Nils is a famous work of fiction by Selma Lagerlöf, first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature. The background for publication was a commission from the National Teachers Association to write a geography reader for the public schools. “She devoted three years to Nature study and to familiarizing herself with animal and bird life. She has sought out hitherto unpublished folklore and legends of the different provinces. These she has ingeniously woven into her story.”

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . is certainly much too difficult for one who has learned as little as I have," he thought at last. "It will probably wind up by my having to go back among human beings after all. I must ask the minister and the doctor and the schoolmaster and others who are learned, and may know a cure for such things."

This he concluded that he would do at once, and shook himself—for he was as wet as a dog that has been in a water-pool.

Just about then he saw that a big owl came flying along, and alighted on one of the trees that bordered the village street. The next instant a lady owl, who sat under the cornice of the house, began to call out: "Kivitt, Kivitt! Are you at home again, Mr. Gray Owl? What kind of a time did you have abroad?"

"Thank you, Lady Brown Owl. I had a very comfortable time," said the gray owl. "Has anything out of the ordinary happened here at home during my absence?"

"No. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Que grande e animada viagem. Pela suécia, pelas memórias do povo, pelas lendas, pelo mundo animal, pela natureza, por um mundo mágico.

“Понякога у животните има нещо, което ни кара да се питаме що за същества са те. Човек си задава въпроса дали не са омагьосани хора.”

Чудех се дали не съм малко старичка за книга, предназначена за читатели, чиято възраст се събира поне три пъти в моята. Дали ще ми допадне неизбежният наивитиет от ед

“ C’era una volta un ragazzo. Aveva circa quattordici anni, era alto, con bei lineamenti e capelli biondi come il lino. Purtroppo, era un perdigiorno. Le sue occupazioni preferite erano dormire e mangiare, oltre a giocare brutti tiri. "

Questo monello si chiama Nils Holgersson e la sua specialità

مفاجآت مكتبة مصر العامة السارة :))

This children's classic, published in 1906 by future Nobel Prize winner Selma Lagerlöf, is so famous in Scandinavia that everyone knows the plot; but until now I'd never read it. Nils Holgersson, a good-for-nothing kid in late nineteenth century Skåne, angers the local tomte (a kind of Swedish lepre

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