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The Wolf Hunters

James Oliver Curwood

Book Overview: 

Follow Roderick and his friends Wabi and Mukoki on their adventures in the pristine North. They fight voracious wolves, hostile natives, and the vicious elements of nature, while on the hunt. Getting more than they bargained for, they discover a mysterious cabin, and stumble upon a secret that has lain hidden for half a century. Full of twists and turns, danger and suspense, The Wolf Hunters, the prequal to The Gold Hunters, is an excellent read.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ipping juice filled the nostrils with an appetizing odor. By the time Wabi had applied Mukoki's prescription to his comrade's wounds, and had done them up in bandages, the tempting feast was spread before them.

As a liberal section of the ribs was placed before him, together with corn-meal cakes and a cup of steaming coffee, Rod could not suppress a happy though somewhat embarrassed laugh.

"I'm ashamed of myself, Wabi," he said. "Here I've been causing so much bother, like some helpless kid; and now I find I haven't even the excuse of a broken arm, and that I'm as hungry as a bear! Looks pretty yellow, doesn't it? Just as though I was scared to death! So help me, I almost wish my arm was broken!"

Mukoki had buried his teeth in a huge chunk of fat rib, but he lowered it with a great chuckling grunt, half of his face smeared with the first results of his feast.

"Whole lot sick," he explained. "Be sick s. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Я, видимо, из того поколения, которое росло на приключенческих книжках. Поэтому когда в руки попалась история мной не читаная, то я же кинулась туда с головой. А там и индейцы (ну, многим как говориться вспомнить трудно, потому что они не знают, но в моем детстве самым прекрасным индейцем на всем св

A thrilling story of perils galore in the wild with danger always a

Companion ; family and friends are not forgotten, and love is always an issue where and when young folks get acquainted.

I enjoy just about anything James Oliver Curwood writes. The book is dated and would give PETA a heart attack for gun violence, and the hunting and trapping of animals. It was written in 1908 I believe , a different time and place.

It takes place in Canada in the early 1900's. The story of an American boy who has become friends with a Native American boy. He travels to Canada to hunt and trap with his friend in hopes that he can earn money to help his mother. The boys and an Indian guide spend several months in a remote cabin

I nearly stopped the book in the beginning not wanting to read about guys killing wolves. I'm glad I didnt. It was a story about 2 school mates that go out to trap wolves for their skins during a school break. It takes place in 1908. It describes in vivid detail the cold conditions of their trip.


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